List of Horse Treats

Lots of my clients are “clicker trainers” and need treats to train their horses. But, some horses are actually allergic to some foods. I use this list to see which foods the horses can be treated and trained with. Please note that this is only a list. I don’t carry or sell these items but have provided a resource link for the brands when possible. The list was updated 1/28/11.

List of High Oxalate Foods

Oxalates are chemicals found in plant foods but not in most animal foods. Some people are more likely to form kidney stones if they eat foods high in oxalates. You may need to follow a low oxalate diet if you have gout, form kidney stones, do not absorb fat very well or have short bowel syndrome.

List of Minerals

List of minerals I use in my practice for muscle testing. Ask if you have an excess of any mineral, then an overall mineral deficiency and if you get a no answer on both ask if you have any specific deficiencies then test from there.

List of Fragrance Chemicals

I hear this all the time and the answer is no. People get all prettied up when they come to me. They wear all this foo foo stuff that I have to smell for days after they leave. It wasn’t good for my body. I guess over the years I’ve just exposed myself to too many bad chemicals and not I’m sensitive to them—but not as sensitive as the next person having an appointment at times. Many people these days are multiple chemical sensitive. They can’t even walk down the soap isles at the grocery store. And all the seminars I attend beg people not to wear any fragrances–people still do—I suspect they think no one will notice or they’re “above it all” or they just don’t think, but inevitably they have to ask people again and again. When you’re sensitive to the stuff it really makes you ill.

List of Food Dyes

Some of these food dyes are not even legal in the United States (like Kipper Brown) but you know. . .I do think they somehow get back into the US through foreign made foods. I keep testing people are allergic to Kipper Brown but we can’t figure out what people are eating that still has that dye in it. I’ve read that chocolate flavoring contains up to 42 different chemicals! Yikes. I guess it’s best to go for the natural stuff.