Fingernail Analysis

Fingernail Analysis: A good practitioner of this art can look at a patient’s nails, tongue, eyes, skin and even (if they are really good) shoe wear and the pattern of moles and freckles and be able to tell which organs are weak and which are healthy.  Since the nails are the last to receive oxygen because they are the farthest from the heart, they are often the first to show signs of disease processes.

Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal Parasites: What are they? Some signs and symptoms of roundworms include, fevers, cough, wheezing, stomach problems, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal cramping, appendicitis, gas, bloating, increased cramping (menstrual), heart palpitations, pain in the lower right quadrant that comes and goes (spasms in the ileocecal valve), itchy anus’, dry lusterless hair with split ends, pica appetite (often for sugar), clear mucous strands in the stool (yes you should be looking at it each time you go!

Lip Sores

Sheila was having a couple different challenges with lip sores. Because they were not responding, she kept trying new things. We found several things she was using occasionally and a couple of things she was using more consistently that she was allergic to. This is a common thing that people do for both themselves and their pets (trying lots of products when something isn’t working then not knowing which products are causing the problem.) Unfortunately sometimes this only makes the problem worse and difficult to decipher—unless you use muscle testing which is what we did.

Dry Brushing Technique

Dry brushing cleans the lymphatic system. Lymph is considered part of our immune system and is made of white blood cells called lymphocytes and the interstitial fluid that bathe our cells, bringing our cells nutrients and removing their waste. All detoxification occurs first and foremost through the lymph. Our bodies contain far more lymph than blood, so you can see how important this might be. Paavo Airola maintains that dry brushing is an essential part of any intestinal cleansing and healing program.

What is a Normal Bowel Movement?

Normal bowel movements should be brown to light brown, formed but not hard or too soft, cylindrical but not flattened on any side, fairly bulky and full bodied but not compact, easy to pass, and it shouldn’t have an extremely foul smell. Bowel movements should be in one piece, about the size and shape of a banana being tapered at the end. Sometimes this will not be discernable if the feces breaks up in the toilet. Some people feel that if the body is absorbing all the minerals from the food that the stool will float. Others believe that the stool should sink. I think the important thing is that there are no air bubbles in the stool and that it doesn’t drop like a brick in the toilet. It should be somewhere in between.