by Denice Moffat | Newsletter Archives
•In This Issue: What’s “Out There?” Some weird cases I’ve had.
•From Dr. Moffat’s Desk: *Thank you readers!
•Health in the News: *Beware of Blue Green Algae *FDA Releases List of Drugs that May Have Safety Issues
•What’s New on the Website? *Diet & Nutrition Section Updated *Coaching Corner Section Updated *List of Baby Food and Formulae *Tooth Chart
•Case of the Month: *Morgellons Disease
•Product of the Month: *Whole Body Detox Liquescence
•Media Reviews: *Strangers Among Us by Ruth Montgomery (Book Review)
•Ask Dr. Moffat: *Weird movement inside head with fever and occasional body pains. *What is this maggot thing coming out of my cat’s skin? *Is there a genetic test for the Vanishing Twin Syndrome? *Hairless cat with red lines. *Advice for carrying homeopathic drops on an airplane
•*What is an orb?
•Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life *Blackstrap molasses for intuitives and healers. *Crystals in healing
•Client Testimonials: *Mom really DID want a boy first! *Dog dripping blood from penis for 3 weeks healed
•Healthy Recipes: *Basil-Parsley Pesto Recipe
•Inspiration & Perspective: *The Little Boy and the Old Man. *What Every Woman Should Have by the Age of 30
•What’s New at Our House? *Bobcat on the vision board
•Local Events: *Nov. 8, 2008 Friends of the Library Book Sale
by Denice Moffat | Newsletter Archives
A to Z index of all articles for Natural Health newsletters written and published by Dr. Denice Moffat
by Denice Moffat | Newsletter Archives
This month’s newsletter focuses on nails, skin and connective tissue, urine therapy, Ringworm homeopathic and has a great recipe for Earth Cake.
Ringworm is actually a fungus and this fungus feeds off of dead skin cells, so if you bathe the area each day and remove the dead skin cells, over time it has nothing to feed on. The Chlorhexiderm helps to sterilize the area and the Tinea Aid is a homeopathic to fortify the immune system so the body will collect the fungus and remove it from the system.
by Denice Moffat | Newsletter Archives
Just wanted to update you on the patient, Cheyanne – as of tonight there was no belly kicking at the usual time, nor was there any laying down belly rubbing or biting when I was around for the 2 hours she normally had been doing that since the pellets – I think or feel that we are over the hump/worst now and on the right track. I am keeping an eye on her, and now that I am soaking the pellets and the beet pulp. She sucks that down as if it were a malt! I can only imagine the back log of dried pellets in her gut that had wanted to move out and her poor intestinal tract must have had pockets of the dry stuff moving along. Anyway, the other two are also enjoying the soaked pellets and everyone’s manure is good! I received your box today and will get Meg and Smoky going on their stuff and then will have another phone consult with you in another week or so for my other three dogs. Lynne
by Denice Moffat | Newsletter Archives
I’m a bit behind in the newsletter. Michael and I moved (again this year) to our final location. We still live in Deary but after all these years of searching we found “the” property. It’s lovely here and we’re excited to see what will develop on our acreage. Mostly it is just forested trees now. But let me tell you that dreams really DO come true! We had not even gotten the pictures pasted onto a poster board before we manifested this one! Wow. I’m SO excited. And we want this for you too!
by Denice Moffat | Newsletter Archives
NATURAL HEALTH TECHNIQUES NEWSLETTER September, 2010 Volume 6 No. 2 In This Issue: Health in the News: *Pet food recalls (again). *Stop Frankenfish from entering our food chain What’s New on the Website? Nothing. Working on changeover. Case of the...