Chlorine in Drinking Water

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Chlorine in Drinking Water

Chlorine has been used as an effective disinfectant in drinking water supplies for nearly 100 years. Chlorine is considered necessary to destroy many of the bacteria in our drinking water.

If it cleanses your water, then what is the problem?  

Expert voices from the present and past:

“Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. While it prevented epidemics of one disease, it was creating another. Two decades ago, after the start of chlorinating our drinking water in 1904, the epidemic of heart trouble, cancer and senility began.”  SAGINAW HOSPITAL, J.M. Price, MD  Reference:

“Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated levels of chloroform in nearly every home because of the chlorine in the water.” ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, Dr. Lance Wallace

“Taking long hot showers is a health risk, according to research presented last week in Anaheim, California, at a meeting of the American Chemical Society.  Showers – and to a lesser extent baths – lead to a greater exposure to toxic chemicals contained in water supplies than does drinking the water. The chemicals evaporate out of the water and are inhaled. They can also spread through the house and be inhaled by others. House holders can receive 6 to 100 times more of the chemical by breathing the air around showers and bath than they would by drinking the water.” NEW SCIENTIST, 18 September 1996, Ian Anderson

“Studies indicate the suspect chemicals can also be inhaled and absorbed through the skin during showering and bathing.” Ironically, even the Chlorine widely used to disinfect water produces Carcinogenic traces.”

“Though 7 out of 10 American drink chlorinated water, its safety over the long term is uncertain.”

“Drinking chlorinated water may as much as double the risk of the bladder cancer, which strikes 40,000 people a year.”

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT – July 29, 1991, Is Your Water Safe – The Dangerous State of Your Water

“A long, hot shower can be dangerous. The toxic chemicals are inhaled in high concentrations.”   BOTTOM LINE – August 1987  Dr. John Andelman, Ph.D.

“Scientists found there was a higher incidence of cancer of the esophagus, rectum, breast, and larynx and of Hodgkin’s Disease among those drinking chlorinated surface waters.”

“Volatile organics can evaporate from water in a shower or bath.”

“Conservative calculations indicate that inhalation exposures can be as significant as exposure from drinking the water, that is, one can be exposed to just as much by inhalation during a shower as by drinking 2 liters of water a day.”

“People who shower frequently could be exposed through ingestion, inhalation and/or dermal absorption.”


Consumer Reports Books

Chlorinated Drinking Water Linked to Cancer 

“OK, so why not just minimize the exposure and shower or bathe less frequently? Well, 30% of all body toxins are excreted through the largest organ of our body–the skin. Bathing every day can be a critical key for those with chronic diseases and for those who want to prevent disease. Not bathing can increase the acid buildup in our body. Disease processes thrive in acid environments.” Dr. Denice M. Moffat