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Dizziness, Lightheadedness, Vertigo, Meniere’s

Dizziness, Vertigo, Meniere's

This would give anyone the feeling of vertigo!

In the last few months I’ve seen a steep increase in the number of people experiencing the symptom of dizziness/vertigo. Epidemic! Most of those cases were tracked down to viral causes but it made me think that it would be helpful to just write this set of cases up, so here goes. . .

Using the proper terminology when discussing dizziness with your doctor could mean saving time and money with regards to the amount of tests needed to figure out the core cause of your symptom.

Let me give you a few examples of proper terminology:

So, first we’ll go through some definitions, then some symptoms, then some medical treatments (some of which you can do at home and there are links to youtube videos for these) and then we’ll list some natural treatments. I use the list of treatments to muscle test and determine what exactly will work for you when you are a client of mine, but there should be no harm done to your body to try some of these out before you take that step.



Dizziness is defined as a disturbed sense of relationship to space: a sensation of unsteadiness with a feeling of movement within the head. Dizziness is more common in the 40-60 age category as a general rule.


Lightheadedness is the faint feeling which can precede fainting (syncope or passing out). Lightheadedness often goes away or improves when laying down. It can be associated with nausea or vomiting.

Lightheadedness is usually not serious and is momentary and caused by a decrease in blood pressure, a decreased blood flow to the head and it is often associated with postural or orthostatic hypotension (getting up too quickly not giving enough time for the baroreceptors in the vessels to respond to the difference in heights).

Lightheadedness can also result from allergies, colds, flu, genetic predisposition, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, dehydration, hyperventilation, anxiety/stress, tobacco/alcohol/illegal drug use, excess bleeding (heavy menses, occult bleeding), cerebellar hemorrhage, heart arrhythmias, some medications or decreased blood glucose.


Vertigo is the sensation that your surroundings are moving when they are not. Vertigo is accompanied by whirling, spinning, falling or tilting, lack of balance, trouble walking/standing and can be annoying or worse, life altering. It can be associated with nausea or vomiting as well. Vertigo is a symptom, not a disease. Vertigo can be classified many ways including:

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

(BPPV) is a type of vertigo is more common in women and can be associated with decreased cognitive function, facial muscle weakness. Tiny calcium particles (canaliths or “ear rocks”) clump in in the canals of the inner ear preventing the ear from communicating correctly to the brain when it comes to balance.

Central Vertigo

Central Vertigo involves disturbances of the brainstem or cerebellum involving the sensory messages to and from the brain thalamus. The most common cause of central vertigo is the migraine headache.

Migraine-Associated Vertigo

Migraine-Associated Vertigo is characterized by head pain with symptoms associated with vestibular impairment such as dizziness, motion intolerance, spontaneous vertigo, sensitivity to light and sound, tinnitus, imbalance, and spatial disorientation.

Objective Vertigo

Objective Vertigo is where your surroundings move around you.

Peripheral Vertigo:

Most cases of vertigo fit under this category. Peripheral vertigo is associated with the vestibular labyrinth or semicircular canal (inner ear issues) being affected by viruses, brain/brainstem or cerebellar injuries, stroke, brain inflammation or multiple sclerosis.

Psychogenic Vertigo:

Psychogenic Vertigo is lightheadedness due to anxiety (like in the Alfred Hitchcock movie)

Subjective Vertigo:

Subjective Vertigo feels like YOU are moving.

A disease associated with dizziness we should also discuss here is

Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s Disease is a syndrome usually affecting one ear caused by the buildup of fluid or change in pressure in the ear (endolymphatic hydrops) and is associated with tinnitus and hearing loss or the presence of potassium in the inner ear in a place where it doesn’t belong. Meniere’s can also be caused by inflammation, metabolic disorders, bacterial or viral infections or immune disorders.

Triggers can include stress, fatigue, overwork, emotional distress, illness, pressure changes and certain foods (salt, MSG, caffeine). Meniere’s can be preceded by an aura of symptoms such as increased tinnitus, the feeling of uneasiness, imbalance, dizziness and sound sensitivity. Because Meniere’s attacks are unpredictable in nature it is difficult to manage this disease. Finding the  core causes are your best bet to prevent symptoms from manifesting.

Meniere’s disease is segregated into three stages ranging from mild to worst.

Some unique symptoms which happen after a Meniere’s attack that differentiate Meniere’s from the simple symptoms of dizziness and vertigo include: anger, anxiety, appetite changes, clumsiness, cold sweats, concentration difficulty, fatigue, fear, groping for words, headache, loss of self-confidence, neck aches, palpitations, sleepiness, sound distortion and sensitivity, trembling, unsteadiness, vision difficulties (blurring, bouncing, depth perception, glare intensification), vomiting/diarrhea and worry.

You may have noticed these symptoms are associated with quite a few medical challenges.

Inner Ear (Vestibular) Problems:

A great example of Inner Ear (Vestibular) disease would be Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome where your older dog starts circling around and around in the same direction and can’t even eat or drink without falling over. This isn’t the end for your companion. Often the animal can accommodate with your help. Ask your local vet for help.

I’ve found that Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome is often associated with the heart as every dog I’ve seen with this in the last 20 years have responded well to Cardio Plus protomorphogen. In veterinary school we learned that it had to do with the inner ear. Be patient. Hold food and water dishes up so the critter can eat without dipping their head down. They will accommodate after a few days.

Symptoms associated with Dizziness/Lightheadedness/Vertigo/Meniere’s:

Symptoms can last from minutes to hours, be sporadic, last sometimes weeks to months and be constant or episodic. Gee, that pretty much covers the whole gambit doesn’t it?

Core Causes of Dizziness, Lightheadedness, Vertigo, Meniere’s:

It has been my experience over the decades that diseases are usually a combination of core causes. Diseases like this may have up to 8-10 core causes. Rooting out these causes can help the client manage or eliminate symptoms. Here’s a list of some core causes associated with Dizziness, Lightheadedness, Vertigo, Meniere’s:

Helpful questions your doctor or practitioner should ask you about your symptoms:

What if there were and easy fix?

You can try the Epley maneuver technique first, then if that doesn’t work continue reading:

Testimonial:  “Good morning Dr. Moffat, Yippee.. I did the Epley Maneuver last night and when I got up this morning with no dizziness again but more important Not staggering and having to hold on to things because of no balance. My tongue looks normal again. My head still feels a bit woozy when I move. Thank you for your direction and tender care.” Pam

Tests possibly needed to determine the core cause of Dizziness, Lightheadedness, Vertigo, Meniere’s

Medical Treatments for Dizziness, Lightheadedness, Vertigo, Meniere’s

Natural Treatments for Dizziness, Lightheadedness, Vertigo, Meniere’s:

Helpful Links and References for Dizziness/Lightheadedness/Vertigo/Meniere’s:

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