(Gymnema sylvestre)
Alias names for Gymnema: Gemnema melicida, Gimnema, Gur-Mar, Gurmar, Gurmarbooti, Gurmari, Gymnema montanum, Gymnema sylvestre, Gymnéma Sylvestre, Gymnéma, madhunashini, Merasingi, Meshashringi, Meshasringi (Sanskrit), Miracle Plant, Periploca of the woods, Periploca sylvestris, Shardunika, Vishani.
Chinese Names for Gymnema: None found
Pictures of Gymnema:

Gymnema sylvestre leaves help with sugar issues.

Gymnema flower.
References for Gymnema pictures:
About Gymnema: Gymnema is a long, slender, woody, vining plant that grows in the tropical forests of India and parts of Africa. It takes root at its nodes. The Gymnema plant has elliptical shaped leaves and small flowers. The name gurmar in Hindi means “destroyer of sugar.”
Historical Actions and Uses of Gymnema:
- Anemia
- Balances insulin
- Constipation
- Diabetes
- Hyperactivity
- Hyperglycemia
- Liver disease
- Lowers blood cholesterol levels
- Lowers blood sugar levels
- Urinary tract infections
- Water retention
- Weight loss
How Gymnema is used and how it Works:
Chewing of Gymnema leaves blocks the ability to taste sugar/sweet and raises insulin levels. The similarity in molecular structure to sugar can actually block the absorption of sugar calories into the body. Gymnema is available in many forms including:
- Gymnema extract
- Fresh Gymnema leaves
- Gymnema infusion
- Gymnema leaf tea
- Dried Gymnema leaves
- Gymnema leaf extract
- Gymnema leaf powder
Parts of the Gymnema Plant Used: Leaves
Properties of Gymnema: antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-sweetener, anti-allergic, antiviral, lipid lowering
Chemical Constituents of Gymnema: betaine, calcium oxalate, choline, glucose, gurmarin, gymnemic acid, tartaric acid, stigmasterol.
Contraindications, safety issues, concerns, harmful drug interactions and allergy precautions for Gymnema: Gymnema is generally safe to use as long as it is used as suggested. Side effects during pregnancy and nursing have not yet been determined. Using Gymnema to lower blood sugar levels in diabetes should only be done under the supervision of a licensed healthcare practitioner.
Helpful Links and References for Gymnema
Key Words for Gymnema: : gymnema, gymnema sylvestre, gurmarbooti, gurmar, about gymnema, picture of gymnema, photo of gymnema, what gymnema is used for, side affects of gymnema, uses of gymnema, parts of gymnema used, when to harvest gymnema, pic of gymnema, gymnema side effects, benefit of gymnema, gymnema herb, gymnema pregnancy, gymnema root, gymnema tincture, gymnema tea, gymnema plant, how to take gymnema, nutritional value of gymnema, health benefit of gymnema, gymnema plant, gymnema powder, extract gymnema sylvestre, standardized gymnema, gymnema extract, where to get gymnema, gymnema powder, gymnema capsules, gymnema for diabetes, sugar binding herb gymnema, gymnema leaf, gymnema leaf sylvestre