(Hey, they support me, and I support them!)
Lydia Hiby 318 Brotherton Road Escondido, CA 92025 (760) 796-4304 www.lydiahiby.com (she works on the phone.) $40/session of about 15 minutes last time I checked (2/08). Lydia’s clients come from every state in the U.S. and European countries galore. People so different… yet sharing the love of their pet and their belief in Lydia’s gift. Her client list numbers over 60,000 over 20 years, and many began as skeptics. Lydia likes skeptics, she says, and believes that once she proves herself to a skeptic that skeptic becomes her best publicity. Lydia has also co-authored a book recently, Conversations with Animals , detailing her experiences.

Patty Street LMT
Patti Street
(251) 423-7905.
.Licensed Massage Therapist Fairhope, Alabama. She graduated from Blue Cliff College in Mobile, Alabama, Alabama and is nationally certified with NCBTMB and is a member of ABMP. As a native of Fairhope, she became interested in massage while working in a chiropractic clinic and familiarized herself with common injuries while working in a physical therapy office. She specializes in Integrated therapies customizing the massage which includes: Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone and other body treatments. Visit Patti’s website at:
Dr. Glory A. Eidt graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic in Dallas, TX in 2001 after attending the University of Western Ontario. She opened Generation Chiropractic Wellness Centre to be closer to where she lived in Burlington, ON with her husband, Jeff. Dr. Glory’s passion is to provide wellness “coaching” for all families and individuals who are looking for the ultimate experience of health and wellbeing through Network Spinal Analysis – a cutting edge, modern Chiropractic technique. She also has extensive training in prenatal and pediatric protocols, and is certified in the Webster’s Breech-Turning Technique through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.
Stacey Mayo and Medical Intuitive Readings or Sentelligent Healing Sessions. Stacey Mayo, creator of The Sentelligent Solution, Dominion Over Self and Inner Oneness Healing Modalities, reads the beliefs, circumstances and other emotional causes of whatever ails you. She conducts full Medical Intuitive readings and career intuitive readings and also uses her healing modalities to facilitate the healing of physical and emotional pain at 14 levels and beyond which is what makes her healing methods powerful, yet gentle and easy on the soul .She is the Medical Intuitive for The Sedona Journal of Emergence. To learn more and access lots of free information including archives of her popular radio show, visit https://sentelligentsolution.com and do check out her One Minute Meditation (OMM) video on Stacy’s blog at:
Chandara — Psychic Medium and Dowser. www.shiftreality.com Getting a psychic reading can significantly help you understand what’s going on in your life, providing clarity and direction regarding relationships, career and finances, changes and opportunities, and much more, answering all your questions. Gifted with psychic abilities since childhood, Chandara is a conscious channel whose passion is to help others through her readings. For over 20 years she has used her clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience abilities to improve the lives of her clients with insight and channeled guidance, offering new possibilities for the future. What is unique about Chandara is her use of dowsing while channeling, which makes for a remarkable degree of precision and accuracy in her readings. Located in the San Francisco Bay area, she offers both in-person readings and phone sessions to her clients throughout the US and abroad. You can reach her at (650) 348-2030 or email chandara@shiftreality.com
Dea Shelton Creations at: https://www.blackberrydesigns.com Home of the Original Tissue Decoupage Paper. For more information see her Decoupage Paper Section! (Wow, some beautiful stuff. Check it out!) I grabbed this creation off her site–Decoupage on glass, using Glitter Glass and metallic powders.
Rose De Dan and her practice Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healingwww.reikishamanic.com is dedicated to assisting pets and people live healthier, happier lives by building bridges reconnecting people, animals, and the natural world through our classes, healing sessions, writing and art. We offer alternative healing sessions for companion animals or pets, wild animals, and people utilizing animal communication, Reiki and shamanic energy healing. Sessions are available in person in Seattle, WA or by phone consultation anywhere in the world. We also teach people how to facilitate energy healing and further their animal communication skills by offering classes and workshops in Reiki and shamanism. She also has a neat video of herself reading an excerpt of her book on her home page and has a newsletter.
Toni Salerno-Strang and Adam Strang. Organic Cleaning can make a huge difference in the lives of our customers. We intend to help create a healthier community and overall healthier planet. We pride ourselves on providing customers with high-quality cleaning products, innovative cleaning technology and excellent personal service. Providing good service means taking the time to listen. We will work with you every step of the way to make sure you receive the services you need. We have several cleaning packages to choose from at affordable prices. Our business is client-oriented, and we maintain strict confidentiality and professionalism. We take your business and ours very seriously, therefore we will ensure you receive the highest care and services. Check us out at: https://www.cleangreenocs.com/ or Call (208) 835-3535. We’re in Troy, Idaho.
Lorie Allen, https://touchingpaws.com, is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Reiki Master practicing in southern Illinois. Healing Touch, endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association, and Reiki, a Japanese form of energy healing, use the hands to clear, energize, and balance the body’s energy field and thus affect the client’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and healing. Sessions can be done in person or at a distance and usually last 40 to 60 minutes. Depending on the history of the problem, multiple treatments may be required for optimal results. The treatment objectives are to restore harmony and balance in the energy system, placing the client in a position to self heal. Healing Touch and Reiki supplement conventional health care and are used in collaboration with all approaches to health and healing.
Stop Dressing the Dogs!www.StopDressingTheDogs.com with Kendra Stetser Rowe. Hi! We are Lulu and Cici — if you have found us here then you must have received that ridiculous Christmas card sent out by our parents . . . We ask that you band together with us in solidarity to put an end to the senseless & demeaning atrocity of dressing little dogs. Help stop the madness!
Cathy Choi Artist of Wall Paintings: www.CathyChoi.comwall paintings, paintings and relief paintings. Here are my three of my favorites although she tells me her style is changing a bit and she has a new portfolio coming out soon. She has studied in Germany and has lots of shows listed under her biography section. Good luck Cathy!
Audio & Web Conferencing: Conferencing Cost Reduction Specialists has secured special pricing and programs to greatly reduce your conferencing costs. You will be the direct customer of one of our many contracted, mission critical conferencing providers while enjoying the special rates we have secured. No Set-Up Fees, No Term Commitment, No Minimums, Contact Linda Schmitt at 888.269.8881 or https://www.ccrsllc.net/ for additional information.
Holographic Repatterning with Abbe Anderson: Abbe is a Yale and New York University graduate who has taught drug and alcohol safety classes to the U.S. Navy. Her sessions can be performed by mail, in person, or by phone for $50 per hour. To schedule a holographic repatterning for yourself, send your name, phone number, address and payment to Abbe Anderson c/o Down To Earth Pathways to Change; P.O. Box 474, Kennebunk, Maine 04043 or send an email to abbe@pobox.com Specify whether you would like a session in person, by phone or mail. Please suggest some weekday times that you would be available if the session is to be done face to face or by phone. Visit her website at www.abbeanderson.com and listen to her music clips as well! Neat lady.
Lynne O’Larey: Pure – Highest quality available essential oils for Healing & Aromatherapy. Many Young Living combinations are less than half the cost! https://zhealthinfo.com/essential-oils.htm
Haystack Art by Kim Kole: www.haystackart.com Cards, books, sculptures in multi-media. Custom made, realistic replicas of you or loved ones posed in a favorite sport or activity, Haystack sculptures are beautifully detailed pieces to grace your desktop – or cake top! (Wow, these are really cool!)
Shetland Sheepdog products: www.cafepress.com/allshelties has Unique and adorable Shetland Sheepdog products. Angie sent me a thank you card and I fell in love with her products.
Inspirational Quotes and Cards: Products with inspirational quotes from A Course in Miracles with beautiful photography from Angela Hill www.cafepress.com/acim
Greeting cards and Ministry Tools: www.Sondevida.com (owners Aleta and Fred Sonnenberg) provide smiles through product and performance. They have created an easy, fun, and inexpensive way to buy greeting cards, ministry tools and gift items online. Sondevida is spreading smiles, through the love of God; helping our customers say and give more to the people they care about. Our faith-based and inspirational Spanish and English greeting cards offer appealing, sensitive and humorous messages for every occasion. They touch the heart in positive, meaningful and encouraging ways, helping our customers keep in touch, share a laugh and save the memories. Sondevida brings smiles to loved ones around the world. We at Sondevida handle every order with attentive care, whether an order is large or small. We strive to treat each customer just how we want to be treated with confidentiality, consideration, and professionalism.
Kelly, Dennis and Nancy– www.dkartprints.com As a life-long resident of Florida’s West Coast, sailing on the Gulf of Mexico and exploring its shorelines and beaches has provided Dennis a rich source of images often reflected in his photographs. During the 1990’s he exhibited widely throughout Florida and won numerous awards for his Florida landscapes. He also became well known for capturing the essence of competitive sailing in his photographs, many of which have appeared in national and international publications. His photography has taken him outside the United States to the Bahamas, Canada, Cuba, France, Holland, Italy, Norway, Puerto Rico and St. Lucia in the Caribbean.
Resonance Repatterning & Live online harp mentorship: Shift negative patterns by connecting with the senses through sound, color, movement, breath and other enjoyable modalities– anywhere by phone! I also enjoy mentoring in harp therapy, teaching beginners and supporting your goals and learning styles via customized lessons! You determine the direction we go as I offer you choices of simple improvisation, creative expression and basic technique. Playing the harp is important rejuvenation from stress and can offer personal support to caregivers and those facing any type of challenge” says Christine. You may contact Christine at: https://www.peacecalm.com/ She’s got some fantastic samples of her music to listen to there. Wow!
Emu Products–Lyons Feathered Nest of Troy, Idaho, has been producing locally grown Emu products for over 10 years. Chuck and Shirley Lyons offer 100% Emu Oil that has been refined to the high standards of the American Emu Association. They also have a full selection of products that contain Emu oil. Try their soaps, pet & people shampoos, lip balms, and hand/body lotions. Once you try them your skin will desire them! LFN Products also has USDA inspected Emu Meat available. Emu meat is high in protein & iron and low in fat. It is a red meat and is packaged in approximately 1 lb. packages. Contact info: Lyons Feathered Nest / LFN Products can be reached at 208-835-8944 / 888-834-8944 or email- bbirds@tds.net
Jessica Lynn is the creatrix and owner of Earth Song Ranch. Earth Song Ranch has been in business for 10 years and is a licensed natural feed and supplement manufacturer. Jessica has been involved in alternative health care, homeopathy, herbs, and nutrition for almost 45 years, using it for her human and animal family members (3 horses, 4 Border Collies and 5 cats). Jessica personally researches and formulates all of the Earth Song Ranch nutritional products, and works with a team of holistic practitioners, holistic vets, barefoot trimmers, and others and she is based in Southern California, although her clients are world wide. Jessica may be contacted via phone at 951-514-9700 or via e-mail at Jessica@earthsongranch.com and also via “Snail Mail” at P.O. Box 2616, San Marcos, CA 92079-2616. The Earth Song Ranch web site is dedicated to natural health and includes informational articles, links to like minded individuals and companies www.earthsongranch.com