- Book Reviews
A Week in the Zone (Book © 2000) by Dr. Barry Sears: The Zone Diet involves learning how to balance and maintain the hormones generated by the foods we eat. Everyone is not genetically the same. Excess insulin production makes our blood sugar fall too quickly, which makes us tired, fatigued and hungry for more carbohydrates. If we are in balance, then our pancreas handles the carbohydrates we eat perfectly. Our ability to process carbohydrates is partially tied to our genetics. Besides causing diabetes, increased insulin levels affect your mood, brain power, concentration, blood pressure, the heart, speeds the aging process aging and accelerates arthritis, osteoporosis, and chronic diseases such as breast cancer.
Are You Dressed to Kill? (Book): Are You Dressed to Kill? Breast cancer is a cultural phenomenon. The incidence of breast cancer is dramatically increased only in cultures that wear bras. How could this be? Read on to learn about this seldom-talked-about link to cancer and eight ways to prevent breast cancer.
Attracting the Perfect Customer (Book): See the Coaching Section for this review
Better Off–Flipping the Switch on Technology (Book) by Eric Brende: They learned how to till fields with horse-driven equipment and hand-threshed the wheat they produced. They also built barns and houses without power tools while they were there. They heated their house with wood, learned how to can foods, store meat in an ice room by harvesting the ice from a local pond, used a wringer washer, grew crops (pumpkins and sorghum), and sold what they grew to subsist with minimal technology within a community of loving people who barter for services.
Chelation Therapy Forty-Something Forever: A Consumer’s Guide to Chelation Therapy (Book):EDTA removes chromium, iron, copper, zinc, cobalt, lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminum. EDTA is the treatment of choice for lead poisoning but some of these other minerals our body uses beneficially so it’s important to work with your chelating doctor to replace the good minerals through supplementation. The authors discuss vitamins, minerals, food additives, and how to shift your lifestyle during and after chelation and they do a pretty good job of it too.
Conversations with Animals (Book) by Lydia Hiby: Boo was using the bathmat in front of the litter box to urinate on. The owner was, of course, frustrated and sought out Lydia to find out why this was happening. Boo said, “The bathmat is new and I don’t like the odor of the rubber backing.” Boo continued, “I like my new uncovered litter box. I liked my old litter better, though. The new scented litter gives me a headache.”
Courageous Souls (Book) by Robert Schwartz: I liked this book because it helped to answer some of those tough questions we have like, “If there is a God, why would he/she let this happen?” Often a session with a talented medium can trigger a profound spiritual awakening for a person. It’s often the key component in opening the floodgates to remembering bits and pieces of why you are here. In turn, this keeps us moving forward and attacking and completing tasks, projects and relationships that we really felt uncomfortable with. A good reading allows us to see the bigger perspective of our seemingly difficult lives.
Dr. Moffat’s Book List These are some of the many books that have influenced the way I work and the information has helped hundreds of clients get their health problems under control. I just love these books and I’ll continue to put more on the list as we go. If you feel like the site is helpful please tell them at Paper Back Swap that I turned you onto it and I’ll get a credit for a free book. Lord knows I do need more books! I only have 2 full walls of them now. One can always use more books. . . and more flowers!
First Do No Harm (Movie, 1997)(About epilepsy): Based on a true story, Meryl Streep plays the small town Midwest mother of a child who has severe epilepsy. After experiencing many, many tests, drugs, and other medical techniques, she and her son are left without options and without hope. Instead of opting for the surgery where they sever the brain hemispheres the mother presses on, studies everything she can find about the illness, and, against the wishes of their local doctor, decides to take her child to the Johns Hopkins Hospital where controversial ketogenic diet studies are being done.
Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases (Book): This 60-page informative (but very boring and dry) book had some interesting ideas in it. It is the combination of three of Dr. Johanna Budwig’s lectures which she calls her “lectures for laymen.”
Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle (Book): Hydrogen peroxide has been used for pollen and food allergies, multiple sclerosis, Epstein – Barr virus, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, thyroid disease, stomach ulcers, arteriosclerosis, bronchiectasis, emphysema, arteritis, varicose veins, pneumonia, asthma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), flu, yeast/Candida, warts and moles, gum disease and bad breath.
I Am a Miracle (Book © 2007) by Dr. Denice Moffat and Team: I volunteered in January to be on the editing team. Yep. I was just walking by and noticed a group of Miracle Mastery members having some kind of meeting. I thought I was missing out on some juicy details for the Newsletter I created for the group. Well, things kind of got out of hand in a big way after that “happenstance” meeting.
If Life is a Game, These are the Rules (Book) by Cheri Carter-Scott: Cheri Carter-Scott, a motivational speaker and manage consultant, wrote this little 141 page gem in 1998. I’ve personally recommended this book to hundreds of my clients over the years. If Life is a Game is about listening to, trusting and honoring your inner knowing or voice (I call it the Still Small Voice). It’s the best and easiest-to-read self-help book on the market replete with true to live stories you can relate to. I think it will help you to see a different perspective on the “woes” of life and give you some healthy ways to handle what comes your way.
Influence: Science and Practice (Book): Influence is a book written with controlled Psychological research. I loved the first sentence of the introduction (but I didn’t write the book.) “I can admit it freely now. All my life I’ve been a patsy. For as long as I can recall, I’ve been an easy mark for the pitches of peddlers, fund-raisers and operators of one sort or another. . .with personally disquieting frequency, I have always found myself in possession of unwanted magazine subscriptions or tickets to the sanitation workers’ ball.”
Inspiration-Your Ultimate Calling (Book) by Wayne Dyer: Related to Depression. I often see clients who are on antidepressants yet their Life Force reading is below 60—a sure sign they are not on what I call their “God Path.” Wayne writes a paragraph on why this happens. “If I feel called to something higher and then do nothing about it, I’ll generally find myself experiencing discontentment and disappointment. But when I act upon that calling by being in vibrational harmony with it, and by being willing to share it with as many people as possible, I feel inspired.”
Open Your Mind to Prosperity (Book, 1951) by Catherine Ponder: A widow who led a troubled life, lonely, in debt, unhappy in her work and dissatisfied with life in general had many friends praying for her. They prayed for her freedom from all her problems, but she neutralized all their prayers by whining and moaning all the time on how harsh life was treating her. Her friends gave her love, but she was not applying wisdom. Attitudes must change before situations change.
Our Favorite Movies: As you can see from this list, we like romance, comedy, inspirational, “one person can make a difference”, adventure, morals/values, following your life purpose and passions, based on true stories, good-over-bad with no violence. We also like metaphysical movies and movies that focus on alternative methods of healing (of course!)
Outsmarting the Midlife Fat Cell (Book) by Debra Waterhouse, M.P.H., R.D.: Women’s bodies are different than men’s. A woman’s fat cells are five times larger than a man’s, have twice the amount of fat-storing enzymes and half the fat releasing enzymes. Plus, men have more muscle, and muscle uses up more calories, so men have an advantage over us—unless we are in a famine situation.
Project Everlasting (Book, 2008): Fired up to find more success stories, Mat talked his best friend, Jason Miller, a clueless commitmentphobe, into joining him on a cross-country search for America’s greatest marriages, which they called “Project Everlasting.” The two bumbling bachelors and Mat’s recently widowed grandmother jumped in an RV and embarked on a 12,000-mile adventure
Saint Ralph (Movie, 2005): Fourteen-year-old Ralph Walker has a case of raging hormones that land him in all kinds of mischievous trouble. His Catholic school headmaster makes him join the track team as a punishment. It is here that he discovers a gift for long distance running. When told his comatose mother won’t recover without a miracle, Ralph decides to create one. He intends to win the Boston Marathon. Little does he know, he’s in for the run of his life.
Straight from the Horse’s Mouth (Book) by Amelia Kincaid: Where do you like to be petted most? “I like my chest scratched. It tickles. That’s why I try to use my back feet. I like all the other places, too, like the chin, my ears, and tail base. My back hurts a little bit around the bottom of the ribcage. My litter box is too high to jump into and it tweaks it right now. I’ll get over it in a week or two. I don’t like being patted on my back. I love sleeping with mom. I love feeling her breath on my face. I watch her sleep.” (He’s really getting into this interview now! Geez!)
Strangers Among Us (Book) by Ruth Montgomery: Walk in’s Welcome. It’s a phrase that always brings a smile to me because of my readings from the books of Ruth (Ruth Montgomery that is.) Some famous walk-ins include Moses, Christ, Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin and Gandhi. These were all enlightened beings that after many reincarnations attained sufficient awareness of the meaning of life to forego the time consuming process of birth and childhood. They returned directly to adult bodies.
The Dog Listener (Book) by Jan Fennel: Gesture eating is done as follows: When you prepare the dog’s food up on a counter while the dog is watching, you also prepare a small cookie or cracker for each human being in the house and place it on a small dish right next to the dog’s bowl (where they can’t see it.) You want the dog to think that you are eating out of its dish because that is what the Alpha of the pack does. Now, before you offer the dog its meal, each person of the house takes a cracker out of the dish and thoroughly chews it in front of the dog. The dog’s meal is offered for 20 minutes only before taking up the excess.
The Findhorn Garden (Book) by the Findhorn Community: I want to tell you about one of my favorite out of print, hard to find books that has influenced the way I’ve gardened now for the last several years. The book originally was published as four booklets on a hand-cranked machine. It’s called The Findhorn Garden—Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation and it was written by the community of people that initially developed Findhorn.
The Last Mimzy (Movie, 2007): Michael and I loved this metaphysical 5-star movie family movie about a little girl, Emma (Rhiannon Leigh Wryn) and her older brother Noah (Chris O’Neil) who found a “pod” on the beach of their summer home which contained some strange and lovely toys and a little stuffed bunny she called Mimzy who talks to Emma mind-to-mind.
The Life You Were Born to Live (Book) by Dan Millman: Could it be that we all fit neatly into one of 37 major groupings? I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve added the numbers of someone’s birth date up and shared their “not so personal” pathway with them and it was right on target.
The Ron Clark Story (Movie, 2006): : “He believed in them when no one else would” is the tag line to The Ron Clark Story (Ron portrayed by Mathew Perry © 2006 https://www.ronclarkacademy.com/curriculum.aspx). Inspired to leave his small North Carolina hometown to teach in one of New York City’s public schools in Harlem, Disney’s 2000 Teacher of the Year, Ron Clark, uses his enthusiasm, creativity and passion to reach his toughest students.
The Secret (Movie, 2006): Many people believe that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for them, but if they really went inward and evaluated the thoughts they were thinking, they would find that they are actually thinking more negative thoughts than positive ones. I tell my clients that this process is like a teeter-totter. You have to distract yourself from thinking negative thoughts (when you are aware of them) and put the energy into thinking more positive thoughts which will eventually tip the scales to attract a better set of circumstances.
The Tao Jones Averages (Book): I was quite surprised to read about right and left-brained thinking and how it influences our choice in how we invest in the stock market. One thing I learned was that many people who drink alcohol and become addicted to it are doing so because it calms the analytical side of the brain and opens up the intuitive side (the right brain).
The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle (Book) by Michael Abrams: Twelve Conditions of a Miracle by Dr. Todd Michael (aka Michael Abrams) is a wonderful book about the Universal Law of Cause and Effect specifically dealing with examining the bible passage Matthew 14: 13-23—the story of how Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. A must-read for any budding metaphysician or seasoned Christian.
The World’s Fastest Indian (Movie, 2005): Starring Anthony Hopkins is based on a true story about how a man from New Zealand broke the world’s record for Motorcycles at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah during the late 1960’s.
The Ultimate Gift (Movie, 2006): A story that just keeps giving. Michael and I liked this 4-Star family movie on the gift of giving Time, Talent, Love and Dollars. We love it for the great morals/values kind of movie that it is.
The Water of Life—A treatise on Urine Therapy (Book © 2005) by John W. Armstrong: See this review under the handout on Urine Therapy. Drinking your own urine acts to cleanse the body, free it from obstruction and rebuild vital organs damaged from disease. The kidney is an amazing organ filtering components in the urine. Did you know that your urine varies with the foods you eat, the season of the year and that you only produce ¼ to ½ of your urine volume during sleeping hours? Well, it’s true.
Uncorked (Movie, 1998): Uncorked is a must-see, 5-star movie for anyone who struggles with Life Purpose and not allowing themselves to do what they love. One of my MasterMind Partners lent me the movie and told me I must watch it. She had been watching every night before she went to bed for weeks. I can see why.
UnTwinned–Perspectives on the Death of a Twin Before Birth (Book) by Althea Hayton: Dr. John James (Chapter 16) concludes that: “losing a twin is one of the most powerful events occurring in the womb.” Even if the loss takes place during the first trimester (when it seems most twins decide to leave) the experience imprints into the physical and emotional development of the baby. He believes that the most effective healing procedure includes accessing in utero feelings and emotions, remembering that you are a twin survivor and forgiving the twin for leaving.
Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a .(Book) . .Dr. Lauren Artress: The word maze is frequently used interchangeably with the word labyrinth which is confusing. But, as Dr. Artress explains, the term labyrinth has not been in use for approximately 350 years. Labyrinths have only one well-defined path that leads to the center and back out again. On the other hand, a maze has dead ends and no intersecting paths with a variety of choices. Mazes also can have many entrances and exits and are often constructed of hedges and materials that are higher than the line of vision. Mazes can make people claustrophobic whereas walking a Labyrinth is more of a spiritual adventure.