Table of Contents
NHT News Vol. 13 No. 1 April, 2017
In This Issue:
- Health in the News: Sniff Test for Alzheimer’s
- Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life: Help for Color Blindness
- Client Testimonials: Mange Improving
- Healthy Recipes: Pumpkin Dog Biscuit Recipe
- What’s New at Our House? Double Chambered Cob Oven Workshop Coming Up June 30-July2, 2017
(Please note that full names are never used in this newsletter or on my website without the full consent of the sender or client. Some cases also encompass groupings of cases with similar symptoms and suggestions for healing in an attempt to educate the general public.)
Health in the News: Sniff Test for Alzheimer’s:
“Tests that measure the sense of smell may soon become common in neurologists’ offices. Scientists have been finding increasing evidence that the sense of smell declines sharply in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, and now a new study confirms that administering a simple ‘sniff test’ can enhance the accuracy of diagnosing this dreaded disease” says the article.
A simple, commercially available test known as the Sniffin’ Sticks Odor Identification Test, in which subjects must try to identify 16 different odors is being marketed in Europe now. When used in conjunction with cognitive testing, the sniff test added significantly to diagnostic accuracy, researchers reported.
So why don’t more doctors use this test? The Sniffin’ Sticks test, normally takes 5 to 8 minutes to administer—crunching into the limited time allowed by HMOs? The test could really help identify people with cognitive functions earlier on.
References for Alzheimer’s Sniff Test:
- Article on the Sniff Test:
- Burghart Sniffin’ Sticks Test available through Europe:
Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life
Are you color blind? Well, if you haven’t heard, there’s a new game in town to help you see the red and green colors as everyone else sees them. In the United States alone, 8-12% of all men and 1% of all women are color blind. Enchroma glasses work by shielding your eyes where the red and green overlap the most so that you can actually see true color. Some of the videos on their website are just fabulous. Check them out here: The glasses run from about $250 for kids up to $470 for adults. I would say that is definitely worth it. Imagine having to memorize where the red and green is on stop lights. Wow.
Reference for Color Blind Glasses:
Client Testimonials: Mange improvement
Denice, we just wanted to check in. Our mangy dog is getting better each day. Yeast in ears is improving. Belly and chest still pink with some itching. It is so much better. Energy is 100 percent better! We are going out of town Friday and have a house sitter coming. We will make a 6 week follow up appointment with you when we get home on the 24th. We also want to make appointments for us! We want those Immune Stim Herb capsules! Thank you for everything. We are so glad we called you. B and the Crew (and the cats who don’t seem to be itching–yay.)
Healthy Recipes: Pumpkin Dog Biscuit Recipe
Stop giving your dog treats from China—they are killing them! It’s a bit of a hassle, but finding a dog biscuit recipe where you can control what is in them doesn’t take as much time as you think. You can make them in large batches and freeze them. Here is a Pumpkin Dog Biscuit Recipe that is healthy for them.
Brown rice flour gives the biscuits crunch and promotes better dog digestion, but you can use any flour that your dog is not allergic to. Many dogs have touchy stomachs or allergies, and do not, like many people, tolerate wheat. I purchased a reasonably-priced grain grinder for my KitchenAid mixer and I’m surprisingly pleased with its effectiveness. Now I can grind any grain I want to for recipes.
In general, you can find the grains/flours your dog will tolerate by searching for the breed in this Eat Right 4 Your Dog’s Breed handout: /veterinary_stuffblood_type_diet_for_dogs/
Now here’s that recipe: /pumpkin-dog-biscuit-recipe/
What’s New at Our House?

Ernie Wisner builds a double chamber cob oven.
Double Chamber Cob Oven Workshop with Ernie & Erica Wisner
Hosted by Elk Meadow Farm in Deary, ID on Friday June 30th thru Sunday July 2, 2017
Once you have experienced the thrill of wood fired cob pizza oven cooking and tasted /shared the results, you will have discovered your love for cob ovens. A wood fired cob oven is a foodie must-have! Cob ovens are great for baking and roasting too. Come join us in building an oven and let’s fire up your senses!
A cob oven is affordable, fireproof, inexpensive, beautiful and sustainable. You can build them yourself, incorporating unlimited creative hand-formed durable shapes. A popular backyard project made of earthen clay, sand and straw, these ovens can be built in a day or two. They burn scrap wood and can bake all day starting with pizza then moving to bread, roasts, stews and ending up with drying fruits/veggies and herbs or making a batch of yogurt. Erica says they make heavenly scones as well! We’re looking forward to trying that.
To learn a bit about the oven we will be building you can watch this YouTube demonstration by Ernie:
This course will cover:
- A lecture/demonstration on Fire Science
- Planning the cob oven
- Designing the cob oven
- Constructing and installing a double chamber cob oven (the base will be in place before the workshop)
- Building a sand mold for the double chamber cob oven
- Mixing and testing cob (monolithic adobe) and earthen plaster
- Applying three layers of cob onto the sand mold
About the Teachers:

Ernie and Erica Wisner-Instructors for the Double Chamber Cob Oven Workshop.
Erica and Ernie Wisner will be coming from Tonasket, WA. They are a hands-on, seasoned team with an immense amount of creative, ecological and practical skills between them.
Together this dynamic couple have led workshops across the U.S. and Canada, and have consulted on projects in Argentina, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Ireland, NZ, Mongolia, Kenya, and South Africa.
We’ll try to have some copies of their latest book: The Rocket Mass Heater Builder’s Guide on hand at the workshop as well. See:
Read more about the workshop here: /workshop-double-chamber-cob-oven/
For a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the workshops at Elk Meadow Farm & Nursery go to: /faqs-workshops-elk-meadow-farm-nursery/
After 5 1/2 months of mostly bad weather, up to 30 inches of snow and then flooding around here, we’re really ready for spring. I’ve finished up for the most part on pruning the orchard but am still working on winter clean up and organizing to build the base for that cob oven which will be a part of an outdoor kitchen at our farm. Michael is busy sawing down some diseased trees that are tipping towards the house which we will use for our winter woodstove stash, and I’m headed down to our hoop house later on today after consults to finish setting up beds, harvest the volunteer spinach and plant the onion order that came in a couple of days ago. We’ll talk at you next month! Namaste and have a great spring. Denice