Prosperity Game
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The Prosperity Game
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THE PROSPERITY GAME: Play Your Way to Prosperity
The Prosperity Game, first introduced by Abraham-Hicks (teachers of Deliberate Creation –, is a simple, fun, and empowering way to activate one’s ability to create prosperity — from the inside-out. It was designed by Elyse Hope Killoran over a decade or so ago. Play the game with your Master Mind group or with a group of family and friends. Have fun!
Playing the game alone is a delicious experience, but when we gather together to play it with a group — watch out! As Prosperity Partnership members have experienced first-hand, when you add the power of group energy sponsorship to such a dynamic system, the result is a true amplification of the power of the process.
As the Prosperity Partnership is all about supporting a world-wide shift of prosperity consciousness by seeing to it that all interested individuals have access to knowledge and tools to activate our true creative potential, we have created this email program as a gift.
Playing The Prosperity Game …
In order to receive the full benefits of playing the game, one must become open to –not necessarily accept, but certainly cease resisting — the possibility that there is more to our experience of money than meets the eye.
What if everything that you’ve been taught about money and how we acquire more money is only part of the story?
What if your current financial state is only partially a result of the energy that you are expending as you ‘do’ things each day and is, more significantly, related to the ‘being’ energy that you are sending out each day via your thoughts and emotions?
What if your current experience of money is a direct by product of having an internal money ‘set point’? What if this money set point was holding you back on an energetic level from achieving all that you are capable of achieving financially?
If all of this were true, would it seem like a good idea to make changes on an inner level (for example, raising your money set point) that would free you up to attract more money in physical form?
That, in essence, is what the Prosperity Game is all about.
The goal of the Prosperity Game is to raise our vibrations relative to money – the receiving and the spending of it.
Although most of us have been taught that we exist in a mechanistic universe, current scientific thinking (in quantum physics, chaos theory, non-linear mathematics, etc.) validates that we function more like magnets and radio transmitters than like machines. In other words, it’s all about ‘vibration.’
Every thought, feeling, word and action we express carries a vibration and that vibration attracts other like vibrations. Many understand this principle as the Law of Attraction that can be explained in its simplest form as ‘like attracts like’.
The important question for you to be asking yourself now is are you doing this attraction on purpose or are you doing it by default? Attracting by default is akin to sending out a mixture of energy signals – some related to experiences that you want and some related to experiences that you don’t want – and then receiving back a seemingly random mix of desirable and undesirable outcomes.
There is another way. Once we become deliberate selectors of the vibrations that we wish to emit, we can break free from the attraction patterns that we had set into motion in the past and align ourselves with more desirable future outcomes.
Using the Prosperity Game to shift your financial ‘set point’…
As stated above, we each have a ‘set point’ when it comes to money. Our money set point is similar to our weight set point (consider the fact that most of us hover around the same number of pounds week to week regardless of varying our diets.) Even if we earn more money we probably spend more so the experience of having ‘extra money’ and ‘abundance’ is uncommon.
What we’re going to be doing here as we play the Prosperity Game is we’ll be creating a ‘virtual reality’ or ‘parallel universe’ in which we have more and more money flowing to us on a regular basis. By sincere participation in the ‘game’, we will be able to use our ‘imaginary’ experiences with money to shift our financial ‘set point’ and to attract to us more abundant future experiences with money.
How The Game Will Be Played …
1. The Prosperity Game will run for 21 days through an automated email subscription list.
2. Participation in the game is free and anyone can sign up — even once the game is already underway — at NEW LINK HERE (Not only is ‘the more the merrier’ but as the group grows we will all get a first-hand experience regarding the power of group energy to amplify experiences.)
3. During the course of these three weeks, registered players will receive an email each day, which will constitute a ‘gift of money from the Universe’. Prior to receiving the first check, players will be sent clear instructions for ‘spending’ their daily allotment.
4. The gift amounts will increase daily so that, over the course of the three weeks, we’ll be challenged to increase our ‘virtual’ spending from $100 a day to over $1 million dollars in one day.
5. You will receive a virtual check every day. A description of the Universal laws pertaining to attracting financial prosperity, along with explicit instructions about how to activate the key ingredient for creating successful vibrational shifts will be revealed to all players through special ‘lessons’ created by Elyse Hope Killoran (the Founder of the Prosperity Partnership and the facilitator of this game).
7. People who are deeply committed to shifting their vibrational states will also receive instructions for tracking their Desire and Resistance levels daily. This valuable information (sent mid- way through the game) can be used to increase vibrational resonance with higher and higher levels of financial success once the game has reached completion.
Game Instructions – Play Your Way To Prosperity
Activate Your Ability to Create Prosperity from the Inside-Out!
By Elyse Hope Killoran,
Founder of the Prosperity Partnership Program
TODAY’S FOCUS: Preparing to Play the Game
Welcome Prosperity Game Players!
As I write this email, thousands of people from across the globe have committed to playing together, over the course of three weeks, to raise our vibrations relative to money – the receiving and the spending of it. This email will outline the structure of the game and answer some basic questions that have been raised by other game players.
I. How The Game Is Played. . .
‘Of all the creatures of earth, only human beings can change their patterns. Man alone is the architect of his destiny…Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.’ — William James
A. The Game Directions In Brief
Every day for 21 days you will receive a “virtual” check. The check will arrive in your email at approximately the same time each day. If, for some reason, you do not receive your daily check, the checks will be archived on Elise’s website.
Although, in the real world, this check has no monetary value, in the virtual world (the world of your energy and imagination) the check will be worth increasingly higher sums.
The premise of the game is that you’ll be going on a ‘virtual spending spree’ each day to make purchases that will bring you the most joy. There are no parameters beyond that!
Just like the people who play fantasy baseball and fantasy stocks you’ll be playing ‘fantasy spending’ — however in your case, you will be receiving the additional benefit of becoming more magnetic to money in the ‘real’ world.
FYI, here is the schedule of checks:
Week One:$100, $200, $300, $500, $800, $1300, $2100
Week Two: $3400, $5500, $8900, $14,400, $23,300, $37,700, $61,000
Week Three: $98,700, $159,700, $258,400, $418,100, $676,500, $1,094,600
B. How To Get The Most Out Of The Game
Although no formal preparation is necessary, some people may wish to purchase a special notebook or journal to use to track money received, money spent and thoughts and emotions which surface during the course of the game.
Ideas: Now is the perfect time to begin leafing through magazines and catalogs to get more specific ideas about what you intend to purchase. There is great value in becoming crystal clear about your preferences related to the items you will be purchasing. Note: We will be explaining the importance of specificity as it relates to goals and desires within the lessons of the book.
Clarity: Finally, you may want to get a head start by beginning to create a list of 100 things you’d most like to be, do and have so that you can refer to this list as your daily allotment increases. We have included a page in the Prosperity Game Primer page for you to begin this process.
C. Lessons
In addition, although there are no prerequisites to play the game and it is not necessary to understand anything about metaphysics to experience valuable life changes from playing, we know that many of you are interested in the science underlying the game’s effectiveness. For this reason we have designed a 25 page e-book to support you throughout this experience. Download at:
We’re confident that once you understand the mechanics and the predictability of the system, you’re like to find the game more engaging and more powerful.
D. Tracking
An important part of the game is to track the money you receive and how you spend it. As stated above, some people like to keep their records in a notebook or journal. Others enjoy tracking the money in the same way they track their other financial investments. I have a fictitious account in my Microsoft Money program called ‘Prosperity’ where I make deposits and withdrawals the same way that I do with my personal and business accounts. This makes the whole game experience much more ‘real’ to me.
‘How rich can you be? As rich as you think you can be, or as wealthy as your contentment level. However most people are content in just ‘getting by’ — and if that is as far as your consciousness can expand, then so be it. You have made that choice. But know that you can achieve the total freedom of financial independence if you choose and will work to uplift your consciousness to accommodate that level of completeness.’ — John Randolph Price in The Abundance Book
Helpful Links and references for the prosperity game: