NHT News. Vol. 5 No. 4 Dec 2009

What’s new at our house: Chicken Hill—“A Gated Community” as my brother now calls the chicken pen is also looking good. We’ve got about a city lot mostly cleared and fenced and the girls have spent the entire summer running around and scratching the area in search of bugs. Michael put up a large covered area for them so they will have a place to go now with the snow on the ground because they don’t like going out into that white stuff. It also serves as shelter for when the eagles, owls and hawks come around. We lost two birds to them this year so now when the girls hear anything screeching they all run for the cover and race into the hen house. They stay there about 20 minutes then come out to play again.

Karmic Debt Release

Karmic Debt Release with Becky Rousseau: Visualize yourself going into the Hall of Records. One visualization could be, you walking up huge steps with pillars on either side, at the top you go into a huge hall, with bookshelves on both sides stacked with Books of Life of everyone who has ever lived on planet earth. These books contain the life stories of every person’s life that has ever lived, with every thought that has ever been thought and everything that has ever been done. There is a desk at the back of the room and the Divine Keeper of the Akashic Records sits there to be of assistance to you. You approach. . .