Homeopathic Use

Homeopathic Use: One case I recall where a woman proved the homeopathic was when she was taking some Herpes drops every day (for prevention). She came down with a whopping case of herpes symptoms then wondered where she had gone wrong. I wondered why she was ordering so much remedy (and this is why I only dispense to people after establishing a client-patient relationship) but she kind of tricked me. She said she had lost a bottle then she wanted another bottle to keep at work and I didn’t realize she was taking it when it wasn’t necessary.

Allergy Allersodes

I use low-dose homeopathic allergy allersode remedies in my practice because I can’t monitor my clients on a daily basis and most of my clients have only recently been introduced to homeopathics and natural medicine. It’s extremely rare that anyone has side-effects with using them. They are safer and you can use them for several months at a time if necessary.