Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or MCS

It’s most annoying to people who suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity for people spraying herbicides and pesticides who ignore ‘No Spray’ signs posted outside of the client’s property. These sensitive people end up having to stay inside their house because they are in agony and can’t get out of bed for a few days. The lucky ones get out of town for a few days to a pre-established “safe house” usually of a friend or an understanding family member. The offenders are not knocking on the MCS person’s door to check out the results of their ‘experiment’. They just assume they can spray whenever they want and not take responsibility for their actions. As one of my patients aptly put it. . .“If only the person spraying could spend just ONE day in my body and feel what I’m feeling after they spray. Maybe they would understand.”

NHT News. Vol. 8 No. 3 April 2012

I’ve been nominated and am a finalist for the Best Medical Intuitive at I’m neck and neck with another woman and need your votes! The contest ends March 21st but, no matter what happens, I want you all to know that you’re tops in my book and I appreciate your faith in me.