
Who should use a psychomanteum? Anyone with unresolved feelings about the death of a loved one is a good candidate for the psychomanteum. The process takes about three hours. A trained facilitator asks the participant to describe the person who died, their relationship with them and when, where and how they died. They are asked, “If you could speak to them, what would you like to say? If you could hear them, what would you like to hear?” Participants then sit alone in a dark curtained booth about the size of a large closet, with a mirror at one end (tilted so the participants do not see their own reflection) in a big, comfy recliner in the center. They sit (or recline) there for forty-five minutes thinking about their deceased loved one. Some will see visual images, streams of light, or may feel touches or other bodily sensations. About 64-65% of participants feel they’ve connected with the person who has died.

Developing Your Sixth Sense

Developing Your Sixth Sense with Stuart Wilde. Stuart is famous pearls interpretation: man walking with fishing rod over his shoulder. Walks under a bridge then various things happen in dream. Act out dream in mind’s eye – first as man as he walks, “I am the man in Harry’s dream.” I feel_____ (wait for the character in the dream to tell you how he feels. What does he symbolize” You go back to the character and ask him – what do you symbolize, or how do you feel? The man then goes on to say, “I am going to the river because______(deep from subconscious mind comes the answer. “Because I want to discover myself” Because I hear the river is full of abundance, and I need abundance in my life” whatever the character answers will teach you things about yourself, so you wait for this answer.