NHT News. Vol. 3 No. 8 Nov 2007

I’ve been seeing a lot of gall bladder challenges this month (it’s the season with all the high-fat foods.) Let’s review the signs/symptoms of a gall bladder imbalance: Anorexia or bulimia, Belching. Bloating, Chest pain, Constipation, Dizziness, Enlarged abdomen, Gas and indigestion, Hiccoughs, Intestinal pain, Loose bowels, Nausea even at the thought of eating high fat foods, Nightmares, Pain on the right side of the lower rib cage, Pain under the right scapula (shoulder blade), and Skipping heart beats. In veterinary school, they taught us that the gallbladder is known as the “great masquerader”

NHT News. Vol. 1 No. 1 Oct 2005

Do you know what a goitrogen is? Well, it is a substance in some foods that prevents thyroid hormone from working correctly by blocking the uptake of iodine. Iodine is one of the main minerals that helps speed up the cellular activity and is essential for the production of thyroid hormone.