Wild Rice Waffles
Used with permission from Dr. D’Adamo www.4YourType.com
Michael and I love this recipe for Wild Rice Waffles. We’ve made several batches of them for freezing for use later on in the growing season and they work really well from the freezer to the toaster, but these waffles are elegant enough to serve at any gourmet breakfast to impress visitors or friends.
The ingredients are word for word from Eat Right 4 Your Type O Cookbook (page 41), but I’ve re-organized the recipe a bit for easier making because I was confused with the wording and accidentally put flax seed in with the beaten egg whites, so here it goes:
Ingredients for Wild Rice Waffles:
Night Before: Cook up a cup of Wild Rice in 2 cups Water for 40 minutes. Set aside to cool for the morning.
The next morning, preheat waffle iron according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Bowl #1: In medium-size bowl whip with an electric mixer:
• 2 Large Egg Whites whipped until stiff peaks form. Set aside
Bowl #2: In a larger bowl whisk together:
• 1 cup Brown Rice Flour
• 1/3 cup Tapioca Flour (Non-secretors should substitute Arrowroot Starch)
• 2 Teas. Baking Powder (We use Aluminum-Free)
• ½ Tea. Ground Cinnamon (Non-secretors omit the Cinnamon)
Bowl #3: In a small bowl whisk together the rest of the ingredients:
• 2 Large Eggs
• ¾ cup Almond Milk (Non-Secretors substitute Rice Milk)
• ¼ cup Vegetable Oil
• 1 Tbls. Maple Syrup (Non-Secretors substitute Agave Nectar)
• 1 Tbls. Freshly Ground Flaxseed
Add the wet ingredients in Bowl #3 to the dry ingredients in Bowl #2 then stir in the cooked Wild Rice.
• 2/3 cup cooked Wild Rice
Fold in the Egg Whites from Bowl #1 one-third at a time, gently incorporating after each addition, being sure to not deflate the egg whites.
Grease the waffle iron with non-stick cooking spray (we use organic butter for this). Fill waffle maker two-thirds full. Cover and cook about 3 minutes for crisper waffles (the steam will stop coming out when the waffle is done). If you prefer softer waffles, check after 2 minutes.
Serve with your favorite topping like fresh Blueberries, Maple Syrup or your favorite fruit syrup (we used warmed Raspberry-Currant syrup) but Dr. D’Adamo also has recipes for Chocolate syrup made from Agave Nectar, Carob Extract or Proberry 3 Liquid.
Serves 4
Dr. Moffat’s Notes for Wild Rice Waffles:
• Maple Syrup: Be sure to use only REAL maple syrup NOT imitation. The imitation maple flavor turns into formaldehyde in your body and is a known carcinogen
• Flax: Purchasing pre-ground flax seed is not the best choice as it starts to oxidize within 15 minutes of grinding. Use freshly ground for those wholesome Omega three acids or use the seed whole as a bulking agent/laxative.
• Cooking Oil: For more information on the best oils to use check out the Dr. Udo Erasmus website: www.udoerasmus.com and always purchase oils in small amounts, keep them in a dark closet and don’t purchase oils without natural color, use them up within a couple of months or keep them refrigerated or frozen for the healthiest choices.
• Starwest Botanicals is a great resource for herbs that you use in bulk. If you can’t find Arrowroot starch locally then order from Starwest. www.starwest-botanicals.com
• Bob’s Red Mill brand is popular for all kinds of gluten free flours and baking products on the West coast. Get Brown Rice Flour here: https://www.bobsredmill.com/brown-rice-flour.html
• Almond Milk: These days you can get this locally but if you want to make your own go to my page on that: https://naturalhealthtechniques.com/almond-milk-recipe/
• Instead of Cooking Spray: I melt a little Organic Butter and daub it onto the bottom part of the grill with a pastry brush.