Supplements I Currently Take

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Q.  What supplements do you take for your maintenance program, Dr. Moffat?

Answer:  Over the years I’ve been “blessed” with so many health challenges that I have taken many types and brands of supplements, glandulars, homeopathics, and flower essences.  Actually when I first started on this path in 1992 I was taking 85 pills/day. It was insane. And my body tolerated them for about three months before I felt like I was getting an ulcer. But, that’s what mentors are for and I ferreted out a good one who cut me way back and introduced me to homeopathics.

I have also utilized many different healing modalities such as massage, chiropractic, drumming, Spiritual Dance, reflexology, Reiki, and prayer treatments (to name just a few!). Most of the people I have listed in the Healers Links I have either experienced or know personally.

So, now my daily intake of pills is about 4-8. Quite the progress over the years. I know that my body uses up lots of minerals and B-Vitamins, that I need a glandular to keep my hips tight in their sockets (Thanks Mom!) and that I have to manage some allergies (Thanks Dad!)

I personally take, Nature’s Way Stress B, Ligaplex II®. Phytopharmica’s Glucosamine Sulfate and RNA from Standard Process Labs™ most every day and a variety of homeopathic remedies: Food Additive detox drops (for my sulfite, pesticide and herbicide allergies), Sick Building Detox Drops (for my petrochemical, phenol and formaldehyde allergies), Viral and Bacterial drops (as needed after being exposed) and add other specific homeopathics and remedies as needed. I especially love the Lawn and Garden Detox drops as I occasionally feel some fibromyalgic-type pain when exposed to herbicides, pesticides, fungicides and green peppers.

I’m also a stone-former, so I take Hydrangea Root occasionally when my calcium, magnesium and phosphorus levels are out of whack and I start to crave soda pop or feel that tell-tale low-grade back pain over my rib area. I drink reverse osmosis water.

For my immune system (I’ve got a genetic predisposition to cancer and have had some challenges in the past) I take my own formula of herbs I call “Immune Stim. Herbs” when I test I need them, which doesn’t seem to be too often if I stay focused, centered on my God Path and take time out for myself working in the yard and garden.

I take Poke Root tincture occasionally when my breasts feel like the lymph isn’t moving in them and it seems like the fibrocystic lumps enlarge (hormone-related each month), and Phytopharmica brand Glucosamine Sulfate as needed (it’s the best on the market–time released) and a Progesterone plant-based Cream (occasionally now) for irritability and hot flashes.

We sleep with a FIR/Magnetic comforter. For more on that read: magnetic sleep system.

I do a 5-Day Water-Only Fast each winter (because it’s my slowest time business-wise and I can sneak it in that way) and would love to have more massages if I could fit them in. I occasionally get a chiropractic adjustment just to keep things in alignment. I meditate for an hour each day and, of course, I give thanks several times each day for all the wonderful (and not so wonderful) things that go on in my life and I also read lots of books that center on a positive mental attitude.

Works for me!