Making Nutrition Work

These are notes I took from a lecture called Making Nutrition Work: I learned a lot. I hope you do to. Ascorbic Acid is the outer coat of the vitamin c molecule and is synthetically made by combining corn syrup with sulfuric acid. Hybrid plants have less nutritional value. Iron Supplements: Ferrous Fulmerate (the kind of iron pill prescribed by many doctors) is made of coal tar. With good quality iron supplements, the stools should not get black. Ferrofood, Floridix, and blackstrap molasses are all better sources of iron, but you still have to get those stomach acids back (Betaine HCl is used for this.) Prilosec shreds the lining of the stomach and inactivates stomach acids necessary to digest protein eventually causing more harm than healing. Tums takes away the digestive function. Butter eaters have better pain tolerance than margarine eaters.

Sugar Substitutes–Just Like Sugar

Just Like Sugar–sugar substitute: In addition to throwing off the body’s homeostasis, excess sugar may result in a number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of some of sugar’s metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications. I like the list.

Ginseng Differences and Benefits

Ginseng is grown in many parts of the world. The roots are the part of the plant used for all Ginseng products. Each variety has its own health benefits. Ginseng benefits are cumulative. Taking the herb for several months to a year is far more effective than short-term doses. Ginsengs are used in many Eastern formulas to complement other herbs.

Food Cravings

Food Cravings. Most of us have them at some time in our lives but what foods do you crave and why? This page lists the most common cravings and some reasons why they happen.

Oils, Fats and EFAs

Putting saturated fats and hydrogenated fats into our system can often be likened to putting the wrong weight of oil into our car’s engine. Hydrogenated fats have been linked to cancer. Following your individual “owner’s manual” and using those oils that are specially designed for your body will assist your body’s own wisdom in maintenance and repair of damaged tissues. Therefore, you will have fewer disease processes (including osteopenia and osteoporosis).

Zone and Blood Type Diet

Zone and blood type diet block charts: Often people have lots of questions about eating in the Zone. They don’t totally understand the “block” system. Basically a Block Balanced meal consists of one box of Protein, one box of Carbohydrate and one box of Oils/Fats. It took me three months to combine the two diets putting it in usable forms. I hope this works for you.