by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific
There are no magical cures for eye floaters—only prevention for making more of them. Floaters are caused by a micro hemorrhage of the blood vessels in the back of the eye–when the bleeding contracts, the blood clot floats within the vitreous humor of the eye. After a time, the body adapts to the floater and is not consciously seen unless the person concentrates to see it. So “they” say. The goal is to strengthen the blood vessels so they won’t bruise or rupture.
by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific
Seizures and Epilepsy: Often just some well-placed wormers, herbs, detoxifiers (like carob, dark leafy green vegetables, burdock or other liver cleansers), or fats (like a half piece of bacon each day for dogs and some people or some extra fats in the diet—saturated or unsaturated depends on the patient’s needs) will do the trick. Sometimes we will dispense a product called Min Chex (a Standard Process Product) which helps the brain repair the electrical pathways between the left and right sides of the brain.
by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific
Total Body Detox tips you can do at home. All healing comes from within the central core of your body first, then it progresses outward and from the top of your body down to your feet and in reverse order in which the symptoms first occurred. This can’t be done overnight. You took time to build those toxins up. If you go too fast, it will throw your body into a healing crisis which we’ll tell you about at the end of this article.
by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific
Dermoid Cysts and Vanishing Twins: Life is precious. It was the twin’s decision to come into your body and to leave, giving your son some very special spiritual lessons. They usually hang around for the life of the child. I test that his twin was a female. I bet he will like women more than men in this lifetime and search for a woman “just like him.” You watch, and keep in touch.
by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific
Depression and lithium: Why is it that some people crave lemons while others don’t like the flavor? One answer is that lemons are high in natural lithium. Lithium is very grounding for the nervous system and the brain neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine. Other natural sources include mineral hot springs, mineral water, whole grains and seeds.
by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific
Note: When taking doctor-prescribed antidepressants, you will want to slowly eliminate them over a period of several months after developing healthier habits and fixing those things in your body that are initiating the depression. Going “cold turkey” off your medications for this particular syndrome is a dangerous thing to do. Work with your doctor on the withdrawal program.