Swine Flu Virus Alerts

What is Swine Flu? Swine flu, also called Swine Influenza A, SIV or the H1N1 Virus is an orthomyxovirus that is endemic in pigs (meaning the virus is present in small levels within the population all the time.) Swine influenza virus can be passed from pig to pig, pig to human and from human to human. This latest outbreak is being passed from human to human. The SIV H1N1 virus is not yet been diagnosed in pigs within the United States. Influenza virus affects the nose, throat and lungs of mammals.

Goitrogens (Thyroid bad foods)

Have you heard of goitrogens? A Goitrogen is a substance in some foods that prevents the thyroid gland from working correctly by blocking the uptake of iodine. I think the best way to handle these kinds of problems is to find out what the core cause is, correct that, minimize what you can, eliminate what you can and repair the damaged thyroid cells with protomorphogens and glandular supplements. Alternative therapies that seems to be working include:

Skin Disease Tips and Tricks

Skin disease tips: I believe the core cause of most skin diseases are: food or contact allergies, improper food combining and malabsorption/maldigestion, parasites, viruses, yeast and emotional distraught. Children internalize a lot of emotions and I was no different. At age four or five, I was once put into a strait jacket to control my self-mutilation which was causing secondary bacterial infections in my skin. The nurses were not happy with me.

SIDS and Nitrates

Sudden Infant Syndrome Facts: 1)SIDS is the leading cause of death in infants between one month and one year of age. 2) African American children are two to three times more likely than Caucasian babies to die of SIDS. 3) Native American babies are about three times more susceptible. 4) More boys are SIDS victims than girls.

Stress Strategies and Nerve Rings

When an animal comes in with nerve rings in the iris (see the circles around the outside of the iris?), I know there is a lot of stress in the household. Usually, the person bringing in the pet also gives me clues as to who is the nidus of the problem as many humans in the house will show similar iris signs. The person causing this symptom in the pets and other people in the house is usually a screamer.

Formication and Splenda

Formication and Splenda: Formication (also known as speed bumps, meth sores, crank bugs) is a common symptom in diseases of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves involving the illusion or hallucination (also called delusions of parasitosis –DP for short) that ants, snakes or other insects are creeping on or under the skin causing itching. Formication is associated with psychotic states, drug and alcohol abuse (crystal meth, cocaine, amphetamines, heroine, alcohol), certain prescription medication (Ritalin, Adderall and Lunesta), menopause, allergies, diabetic neuropathy, skin cancer and with herpes zoster (shingles).