by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific, Popular
Sheila was having a couple different challenges with lip sores. Because they were not responding, she kept trying new things. We found several things she was using occasionally and a couple of things she was using more consistently that she was allergic to. This is a common thing that people do for both themselves and their pets (trying lots of products when something isn’t working then not knowing which products are causing the problem.) Unfortunately sometimes this only makes the problem worse and difficult to decipher—unless you use muscle testing which is what we did.
by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific, Vet Stuff
Lack of water and water sources that are high in minerals are also contributing factors for stone formation. Like most disease conditions, it is better to prevent urinary calculi than to treat it. It can be prevented by feeding rations which contain a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of at least 2:1. The ratio of Ca:P should never be allowed to go below 1:1. High calcium diets are effective at reducing the absorption of phosphorus from the gastrointestinal tract. Neither magnesium nor phosphorus should be added to concentrate diets
by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific
Natural Remedies for Stones. Hydrangea Root is a favorite. Magnesium acts to protect the kidneys from deposits of calcium accumulating in any significant amount. Kidney stones can result whenever there is a lack of magnesium in the body. You might want to check out the signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency if you have stones.
by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific
Perineal urethrostomy: This is a common procedure in cats with recurrent blocked bladders where the penis is cut off and the urethra spatulated and sutured open (basically a sex change operation!) Most times this is quite effective but recovery is tedious until the sutures are removed. Often they will need to wear and Elizabethan collar and go back to the vet for frequent rechecks until they are totally healed.
by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific
List of drugs causing stones in the body: Antacids: Taking too many antacids (like Tums) increases the calcium output of the kidneys and concentrates it in the urine predisposing to crystal and stone formation. Antacids reduce stomach acidity temporarily which may result in impaired ability to digest and absorb certain nutrients such as iron and B Vitamins. Also, healthy stomach acid kills ingested bacteria, viruses and parasites so the addition of antacids may increase the body’s vulnerability to infection to these organisms. Calcium supplements may also bind up certain drugs like ketoconazole
by Denice Moffat | Diseases, Specific
Struvite Crystals: The core cause of these stones are thought to be from the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and possibly genetic core cause. You can see the stones with X-ray and the crystals with a urinalysis; they can be dissolved or surgically removed. These are the most common crystals and stones found in the dog and cat.