List of Parasites A to Z

This is a list of parasites from A-Z that affect both humans and animals. I have this list broken down into specific categories under Diseases: Parasites as well. It’s a creepy world out there!

List of Phobias

NeuroEmotionalTechnique ( is usually very effective in treating phobias. Often a phobia will come up when I test out the core cause of dis-ease, but without a list like this, it is sometimes hard to track down what we need to clear. So, I’d like to thank Fredd Culberson for developing the list. He also has a cool poster for sale with all the phobias on it.

List of Synthetic Flavorings and Adjuvants

It seems that many people are allergic to artificial vanilla flavoring, eugenols and natural butter flavoring. Here’s a list of man-made chemicals that are put into foods that people are allergic to. For me, the “natural butter flavoring” causes blood blisters to form under my tongue. It’s a real bummer.

List of Spiritual Lessons

About 65% of the population it seems has the major life or spiritual lesson of Unconditional Love of the Self. With this lesson are lessons of self-esteem and worthiness intertwined with boundaries issues. All other lessons for these people are just distractions to what they are really here on earth to learn. I use this list to muscle test out the most important lessons for people to focus on in this incarnation.

List of Pathogenic Fungus, Molds, Mildews

In recent years we’ve had so much flooding that black molds which are very toxic are popping up all over the place. It’s big (but dangerous) business to remove them. Once you’ve been sensitized to one mold or fungus, the body is pretty good breeding ground for others. Candida (yeast) is considered a pathogenic mold. Many many clients with chronic diseases (including cancer) have yeast as a core cause of their health challenges. When you’ve got yeast you’re allergic to hundreds of other things. For some reason it sensitizes the body to more allergens. This is one reason why I like to work with my clients to prepare their bodies for a 5-Day Water Only fast. This gets rid of the yeast in a hurry and lots of the other allergies go away as well. But you do need to prepare for that experience. Not many clients follow through with my suggestion.