List of Energy Bars

So many people are into the quick-fix, quick-meal thing these days that they do ingest energy bars. Sometimes these things give you more simple carbs (and thus weight gain) than just grabbing a piece of fruit. So, what is the best bar for you? Let’s muscle test the list. . .

List of Energy Drinks

Energy drinks seem to be quite popular but as a general rule most of my clients don’t tell me they drink these things that stress out the adrenal glands (they seem to be more into tea, coffee and chocolate for their vices) but occasionally someone will drink Red Bull, so I made a list of them for testing purposes.

List of Splenda Containing Foods

Sucralose is used as a replacement for, or in combination with, other artificial or natural sweeteners like Nutrasweet and Acesufame. People that react to Splenda may also react to chlorine. For side effects possibly related to ingesting Splenda, see my Splenda handout.