DMTEC: The body will only release what it is ready to. Sometimes we do this process at a different time than the exam and for specific emotional challenges that may be holding you back from living the best life possible.

Urine Therapy

Urine Therapy: John’s introduction to drinking his own urine was when he became so ill that several doctors no longer felt it useful to treat him. He had what they called in those days, consumption. Well, when you don’t have the energy to do anything you have a lot of time to think. Being a religious sort of fellow it came to him while reading Proverbs V that “Drink waters of thine own cistern” meant that we should drink our own urine to be in optimal health. So he spent the next 45 days doing just that.

Urinary Incontinence Technique

Urinary incontinence technique: I show this technique to the people (usually women) who have leaky bladders and urinary incontinence. Often it helps quite a bit in alleviating the problem to some extent. It’s better to know how to muscle test, but you can also do this technique by following the step by step process below:

Sweating, Saunas and Hydrotherapy

Sweating, saunas and hydrotherapy: Using a sweat lodge, sauna, or steam bath is another technique in getting the skin to rejuvenate and open its pores. It would be nice to have all these things available to you when you are sick, but the facts are that you have to use what is in your environment that is available to you. These modalities are becoming more common and I’ve seen mobile units spring up these last few years that will actually come to your house for you. Try them. . .you’ll like them!


Although spiritual in nature, Reiki is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. Reiki comes from God, but will work whether you believe in it or not. Its use is not dependent on ones intellectual capacity or spiritual development, and thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds have been attuned to Reiki. Intention increases its effectiveness, but it can never be done incorrectly.