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Client Testimonies and Stories

Client Testimonies and Stories 1

“Do you believe testimonies? Personally, I’d rather see results on my own body, but here are some things my clients say about my work and some cool cases I’ve been blessed to partake in. Tooting my own horn is not my forte but the marketing expert (my mom) tells me it must be done. So, here you go mom.

I have also included links to several testimonies in my newsletters but I’m seriously thinking of just not including them in future newsletters. I really don’t vibe with the ego-stuff.


What Dr. Moffat’s clients say about her: 

“Dr. Denice Moffat is an extremely talented and gifted medical intuitive and healer. I went to see her after working with countless naturopaths, acupuncturists and MD’s in NYC, the west coast and Miami who were unhelpful and following years of frustration not finding the help I needed.

I was struggling with digestive, thyroid and hormonal imbalances and Denice was able to pinpoint exactly what was going on and how to rebalance my system in only a few months. With the assistance of muscle testing, calling in your guides/ angels and her own solid medical background/ training in naturopathic and veterinary medicine, Denice divines EXACTLY what your body needs to realign itself or as in my case- to bring you to a place of alignment that you’ve never known possible. She creates a complete eating plan down to the precise amounts of protein your body wants and can tell you which supplements/ which exact brands your body will tolerate. She was also remarkably on target in telling me which parts of my body needed what (e.g. which part of my cervical spine needed attention, what practitioner would be best for me and she could pinpoint from a list of names who would be best. This saved me hours of research and effort).

With Denice’s guidance, I began eating foods I was told I could never eat again by various “health gurus” and integrative practitioners and my body was delighted. My sleep, thyroid, digestion, food allergies and mood stabilized and my whole life improved literally over the course of 7 months or so. This was pretty miraculous.

In addition, Denice got me off of about 20 supplements I was throwing away money on and pointed out that my body was allergic to many of them (which was making me sicker and which were “highly” recommended by master practitioners. In addition, my integrative MD tested her recommendations on labs to see if they were correct and he found they had led all my levels (vitamin D, thyroid, glutathione etc…) to complete stability!

I recommend Denice without reservation and have referred clients and colleagues alike to her.

Denice is also incredibly supportive and a very loving presence to work with. She is humble and works to empower you to heal yourself as she partners along with you. If you know someone who is ill or has a skin condition or hasn’t found answers, this is your healer!”  Stacey Klein, NY

My puppy had 7 seizures a day until I came to see Dr. Moffat. I can’t believe she found the cause and got rid of it in such a short time!” (Core cause: Heavy metals, liver overload.)

“We were doubting Tommies when we came in. We didn’t believe you could heal my husband’s aneurysm, but you did. Carl’s last ultrasound was totally normal. We are SO grateful.” (Core causes: Virus attacking the vessels and nutritional deficiencies of copper and zinc. He passed several years after that from Alzheimer’s disease.)

“I have to tell you that I took a leap of faith discontinuing the medications I had been giving Tami for her skin, but within just a few days the Staph has gone away. Wow. It was so simple to do, too.” (Core cause: Viral, bacterial and use of the wrong medications and shampoos, which was corrected.)

A brown recluse spider bit me on the leg 3 years ago and I’ve had an open sore there ever since. Nothing worked until I went to see Dr. Moffat. I did what she told me to do. I didn’t have anything to lose. The hole healed up within 2 months.” (Treatment: Biting Insect Mix and Blood Type O diet with more raw foods.)


Subject: The Hazards of Feeding Soy to Children After a lot of frustration searching for my favorite health site, the one belonging to Denice Moffat, I found it today. It was in my bookmarks. I know. I would like to make a comment on all Denice’s articles ( to encourage everyone to pay attention to her and visit her site. The problem is she has close to a million articles here. For now this will have to suffice. If you read this and you have some time maybe you could just read and rate a couple hundred thousand of them. Thanks Denice. You’re the little Goddess of Goodness…Doug Wilson  (Comment provided December 12, 2008 at 5:40 pm)


From Nancy H. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Denice Moffat as a holistic vet and doctor. She has helped my whole family, including my cat most recently. After many blood tests and exams, my cat was still yowling almost incessantly. She recommended I contact a Lydia Hiby ( ), a pet communicator.  Lydia’s advice worked and Mr. B is now acting normal after many months! Thanks to Denice for hanging in with us and referring us to Lydia!  Nancy H.  1/3/07.

From Lloyd after just one month of Cancer Support Therapy (3/23/06): Everything has been going great.  I figured I would give you an update about this last weeks events. They drew fluid from my ankle and it was analyzed.  It was pseudo-gout.  The specialist indicated that this was generally caused by the chemo treatments. He gave tapered prednisone treatment.  It was alright with the oncologist and it is for 9 days.  I took the parsley and Advil and it had already started working but the pain was still a little unbearable, so Wednesday I started taking the medicine.  If it clears up before I finish the medicine I will quit taking it.  My acupuncturist gave me an extra-long treatment and indicated he could help even with the pseudo-gout. Anyway, I did a new x-ray and blood test for my meeting with my oncologist and so the report is:

I am at 259 lbs now and today I feel like I have lost more.  My blood pressure was 116/64.  The highest it has been since I started this and quit taking the hydrochlorothiazide was 129/78.  The edema swelling is down (except the gout and that now is coming down).  My legs and feet are looking pretty good.  The x-ray was compared with the first one and the white spots in the right lung are going away, not nearly as many as before and there wasn’t as many.  The left lung that was cloudy (the one that was collapsed and had the pleura-disis done) was starting to show a dark back ground in the back and my doctor was happy about that.

I haven’t had to use my oxygen, my breathing is better, the phlegm is cleared up, other than normal, and I am breathing a lot better.  I am walking a little (ugh, I hate it).  I only felt a little lethargic for a couple of days and things got better.  Dr. Z saw my book “Love, Medicine & Miracles” and told me to get hoping because that was an old book.  I think I have probably assembled one of the best teams.  My next chemo is Thursday the 16th and I see the acupuncturist before I go in.  It works for me.  I’ll use all of my weapons and you all know about each other and everything is really going great.  Thank you, Lloyd

(Denice’s note: Lloyd was a joy to work with. He did eventually succumb to cancer a few years later but lived a wonderful and happy life until nearly the end which is often the goal with end stage cancer cases.)


From Molly H regarding her horse  11/05: Thank you for sending the Emotional Remedy RET drops.  I’ll call you this afternoon about the emotional clearing.  Funny – yesterday was the first day that I did the affirmation with Bella (A 2-year-old horse that had been abused.)  She stared at me, straight in the eyes, like she KNEW what I was saying!  What’s up with that?!?!  It was almost unnerving.

My reply: Of course she knew what you were saying! Why would that be unnerving? You don’t give her enough credit. That’s cute.


Thanks Denice!  Great article on the protomorphogens.  As you can tell, I am very worried about Snorkel.  The weekend past was tense due to his health.  Sunday morning I woke at 3:30 with joint pain and finally got up for aspirin.  Upon returning to bed my mind would not leave Snorkie, so I prayed and prayed hard for several hours that I would be given insight into what would help him.  I finally fell asleep at around 5 a.m. with no apparent answer to my prayers, but I still had faith that an answer would come to me.  It was later that morning as I was doing work around the house that you were placed in my mind.  Now I don’t think about you often (no offense meant) so to have you suddenly pop into my thoughts was all I needed.  I take that as a pretty good answer to prayer! Thanks again for your help and your prayers.         Mary  3/05

Snorkel caught a bird and ate it today! 6/13/05 (Things are looking up! Yes!)

11/12/05 He is still with us, but has lost some weight.

Denice’s Response: What a miracle cat. Never thought he would make it this far. Mary gets all the credit. She is doing the work.


“I’m in better shape now than I have been in several years. Verla   12/04

(She floored me when she told me this, as she comes in once a month with a tank of oxygen strapped to her. I must have saved her about six times this last year! And she’s still going as of 3/1/11! )


Case Study: Jennifer a female spayed 9 year old cat with megacolon that I put on the cell salt Nat. Sulph, Udo’s Choice oil, and plain yoghurt–she had been on the protocol for only 9 days:

Hey!, good news!!!  “Jennifer” had a bowel movement without an enema! She is eating her “special” food preparation without complaint.  She is bright and happy and in this warm weather she is lounging on the back deck. She does still put up a fuss over meds, but she will always do that.  Sometimes I wonder if I wear more of it than she gets!  Mary B.   5/05


I continue to be in grateful admiration of your impact on my health. Thank you for recommending the book The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle. I read it completely today on the plane. I think it was the perfect preparation for my conference this week. Now I’m thinking about what miracle I’d like to create in Boston. Enclosed is a check for $250 as a token of my appreciation (you don’t charge enough!) With Love, Mark    1/05


We have had the privilege of knowing Dr. Denice Moffat for many years. When we first met, she had just opened a veterinary practice in Oregon City, Oregon. Even then, before she had studied natural healing, she knew there was more involved in disease processes and their treatment than just prescribing drugs. Her beliefs led her to the study of natural medicine, and her desire to provide the best care for her patients, human and animal, drives her to improve her knowledge continuously.

She has treated us and our pets with naturopathic techniques for several years. She succeeded in helping my golden Retriever to overcome an allergy/immune system problem that plagued him from puppyhood. At ten years old, after having been told by other vets that my only option was prednisone, this dog grew a full coat of hair including undercoat for the first time in his life. Through the natural supplements and treatments, we were able to keep him healthy and happy to an age of fifteen years. Dr. Moffat has performed a similar feat with my Shetland Sheepdog, who has a genetic immune deficiency. Again, we were told prednisone was the best treatment. She has been off of pred.  now for 4 years and she is vital and quite “young” at nine years old.

We have also benefited from treatment with naturopathic techniques. Dr. Moffat has helped me to overcome a systemic yeast problem that caused a physical craving for chocolate and sugar, eliminated tremors in my hands, aided me in controlling pain in my low back from auto accidents, and increased my general wellness and energy levels.

Before she even knew my spouse, Dennis, well, she detected low thyroid levels (his thyroid had been removed surgically a year earlier,) and a problem in the pancreas before clinical tests had detected the onset of diabetes. The supplements recommended for him have greatly reduced the amount of medication needed to treat these areas.

In closing, I would add that in addition to her knowledge, her compassion and genuine concern for her patients is overwhelming. She has a generous spirit that in itself helps start the healing process. I have a great deal of faith in her abilities, and know that if a problem is beyond the scope of her current knowledge, she will research every avenue to find answers and offer solutions. Sincerely, Cheryl H. and Dennis G.

Note from Denice: Dennis introduced me to the Zone diet therapy many years ago.  Their little Shetland Sheepdog, Gypsy stayed with me for about a year as my personal pet until she was totally healthy. At that time they took her back into their flock of 7 dogs!  Cheryl is the best local dog trainer in Oregon City, OR. This is an older testimony (11/03), but it epitomizes what I’m really all about. She painted me perfectly.


Other Client Testimonies from the Newsletter Archives:

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