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Formication and Splenda

Formication and Splenda

Formication-an itchy sensation caused by Splenda

Formication and Splenda

Formication (also known as speed bumps, meth sores, crank bugs): A common symptom in diseases of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves involving the illusion or hallucination (also called delusions of parasitosisDP for short) that ants, snakes or other insects are creeping on or under the skin causing itching. Formication is associated with psychotic states, drug and alcohol abuse (crystal meth, cocaine, amphetamines, heroine, alcohol), certain prescription medication (Ritalin, Adderall and Lunesta), menopause, allergies, diabetic neuropathy, skin cancer and with herpes zoster (shingles).

Heavy stimulant use causes a rise in body temperature and increased blood flow to the skin (to counteract the hyperthermia).  Sweat is produced that contains an enzyme which further increases blood flow. As the sweat evaporates, it removes the protective oils on the skin. This scenario, combined with the toxins released from the skin, also dehydrates the dermal layer creating an itchy sensation on the nerve endings.

If the person picks at, scrapes or digs at their skin with fingernails or some kind of instrument, these areas can become infected, scabbed over and eventually produce permanent scars if the scabs are then picked or become infected. Occasionally the bacteria from these types of sores can enter the bloodstream and cause sepsis within the body requiring strong antibiotics and/or surgical debridement.

There have been some cases where people have commit suicide over this notion, as well as cases where people maimed themselves trying to rid themselves of “bugs.”

There are some homeopathic drops for Morgellon’s disease which is commonly associated with this symptom but I personally thing formication is caused by the use of Splenda. So, I’m including some of the splenda information from my Splenda handout. If you want to read more about artificial sweeteners, there are some links at the bottom of this handout that will give you more education on the hazards of using such things.

Splenda — Products featuring Splenda are perceived as “natural” because even the FDA’s press release about sucralose parrots the claim that “it is made from sugar.” Splenda is the trade name for sucralose, a synthetic compound stumbled upon in 1976 by scientists in Britain seeking a new pesticide formulation.  Gee, and now we are eating and drinking thousands of products containing it? I even saw it listed in a diet pill the other day (Xenadrine).

At least 15% of the Splenda we eat is not excreted by the body. OK them, where does this go? I think it varies from individual to individual.  It seems to sequester in the nervous system, gut, sensory apparatuses, muscles or in the circulatory systems (see chart below).

The degree to which we experience side effects just depends on our individual biochemistry. Scientists are calling Splenda a mild mutagen, based on how much is absorbed. The healthier your intestine, but better the Splenda absorbs! Yikes.

We need sugar for our brain and muscles. We don’t need sugar substitutes and other food additives! Sugar addiction is born from quick raises and falls of blood sugar and supplying sugar to our body in concentrated form. Sugar also increases serotonin in the brain which is a mood-elevating neurotransmitter. If we constantly bombard out systems with sweeter and sweeter substances, be get addicted that much faster, then naturally sweet items just don’t taste that sweet to us. It’s a vicious cycle and it’s MUCH healthier to get our sugars from whole-food, unprocessed food sources.

Food additives—including artificial sweeteners—are not subject to the same gauntlet of FDA safety trials as pharmaceuticals. In addition, most of the testing is funded by the food industry, which has a vested interest in the outcome. This is a real bummer and can lead to misleading claims.  And it looks as though there are some dangers with ingesting Splenda. Read on.

Splenda side effects which happen immediately and up to eleven hours after ingestion:

Brain and Neurological possibly related to Splenda:

Digestive symptoms possibly associated with Splenda:

Skin symptoms possibly associated with Splenda use:

Heart, Lung and Circulation symptoms possibly associated with Splenda use:

Sensory symptoms possibly associated with Splenda use:

Musculoskeletal symptoms possibly associated with Splenda use:

Other symptoms possibly associated with Splenda use:

Helpful Links and References for Formication and Splenda Use:

Related Handouts on this Site:

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