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NHT News Vol. 12 No. 3 Nov. 2016

NHT News Vol. 12 No. 3 Nov. 2016


In This Issue:  

(Please note that full names are never used in this newsletter or on my website without the full consent of the sender or client. Some cases also encompass groupings of cases with similar symptoms and suggestions for healing in an attempt to educate the general public.) 

From the Desk of Dr. Moffat:

6th Annual Black Friday Special

Give the gift of health by joining us in participating in our 6th Annual Black Friday 50% Off Consults special all weekend long! Referrals and reposts onto your Facebook pages are greatly appreciated. We’d love to have more likes and thanks also for signing up for our (now occasional) newsletters. This once-a-year special is an unbeatable deal and my favorite time of the year to catch up on the lives of my clients and to meet new ones.:  

Dr. Moffat’s 6th Annual Black Friday Sale starts Nov. 25th and ends Nov. 28th, 2016.

Case of the Month: Pre-Earthquake Sensitivity and Earth Sensitive People:

Often when I get a series of people emailing me with the symptoms below, I ask the whether or not the person is earth sensitive and how much of what they are experiencing is directly tied to earth changes.

Sensitives often will have uncomfortable symptoms associated with earthquakes, strong winds, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, hurricanes, tsunamis, earth events, war, violence, suicide bombers, and even global political unrest. Read more: 

Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life

Coconut products seem to be all the rage these days. I believe the Nursery industry is the root of this as they feel we are running out of peat moss. Coconut coir is more sustainable, cheaper and the product takes about 2 more years to break down than peat moss. It’s not the same as peat pH-wise, but it’s a pretty nice product and helps retain moisture in the soil really well.

If you are blood type B or an O non-secretor, then coconut products will work quite well for you but for the other blood types coconut will enhance the effect of other food toxins. “Although palm and coconut oil do not contain cholesterol, they are very high in saturated fat; because of this it is probable that they accelerate the cholesterol-raising properties of other foods that do contain cholesterol—a potential problem if you are type O and are using animal protein as a basis of your diet.”

Coconut water is found inside the cavity of a young, unripe coconut (in contrast with coconut milk, found inside the mature fruit). Interestingly, the balance of electrolytes in coconut water is nearly the same as that in the human blood—so close, in fact, that coconut water is the only natural non-blood substance that can be safely injected into the human bloodstream. Ancient peoples knew this, and sometimes used it as an emergency intravenous fluid. I’ve also read that grape juice has that same balance of electrolytes and osmolality but I don’t think I’d inject it into the vein! Coconut water contains electrolytes, antioxidants and has 15 times as much potassium as typical sports drink (and not near the sodium which seems to cause blood pressure issues when the sports drinks are over-imbibed. Coconut water is also low in calories and fat free.

Learn more:

Client Testimonials: 

Oh! My Dad is seemingly benefiting big time from the magnetic shoe inserts you recommended!  Thank you so much!  The toe is finally healing up and swelling in the leg is gone after just less than three weeks! Sincerely, Cathy S.

From a client with a younger dog with cancer that a local vet had given up on.

Hey Denice, thank you for the fast response 🙂 The icterus is resolving. Our vet is not finding any further indications of cancer. No food in the feces, he’s having great bowel movements – very regular and good consistency! I hear you, he is on a great program now thanks to your help. Doing better and better each day. I can’t even believe it! He’s like a puppy again – thank you so very much for everything we truly appreciate it. Best, Madison

Thanks for checking in Madison. You’re so welcome. Your mom tells me that your vet is like wowed. Ha ha. Good! Wish the profession would open up their minds a bit more. Thanks for taking him in to show him off every once in a while. Denice 

Healthy Recipes: Clam Dip 

Directions: Mash all the ingredients together in a small mixing bowl, preferable the day before eating so the herbs can release their full flavor and serve with your favorite chips or crackers. Makes about 2 cups.

What’s New at Our House?  

Well, we finally had a hard frost at our place a couple of weeks ago. I harvested the Quince, Arkansas Black apples and Medlar fruit at the very end of the season after frost. I’ve spent the last 3 months canning, dehydrating, freezing and processing everything I could from what we grew this year (in between finishing up projects before winter hit). I must have a stash of unique jams to last about 3 years at this point but that will give me time to work on our root cellar and bottle chapel next year.

The ducks spent a week inside our hoop house early this year snarfling around the edges and eating any snails and slugs so we won’t have to deal with them next year, but there’s still a pill bug problem that just got bigger this year, so I’ll be putting in a few chickens inside the hoop house next. They eat those little buggers!

These last couple of months I’ve been learning how to make cheese. Honestly, I haven’t made any good tasting stuff yet, but I’m trying to focus on HOW to make it right now. I’ll figure out how to age it as I go along which supposedly helps flavor things up. I just made a batch of Mozzarella a few days ago–two pounds of cheese that took me TEN hours to complete. I have to do these things on rainy days and on weekends when I can fully concentrate on that stuff. I was surprised to find out that every recipe for cheese is basically the same. You use milk, rennet, either mesophilic or thermophilic culture, lipase and then the only differences are in the heating and aging of the end product to make all those different cheeses. How bizarre is that?

Currently we’re mastering the process of growing microgreens so we don’t have to drive to town to do grocery shopping for fresh stuff more than once or twice a month. Can you tell that we love our farm and are total homebodies? Did you know that microgreens are 30-40 times more nutritious than the salad greens you get from the grocery store? Sounds like a great way to pack in some extra nutrition into a salad or smoothie. We have a trial going with 9 different types of greens right now. I did notice that the new organic potting soil contain Coconut Coir instead of peat moss this time around. I’ll let you know how that goes in the next newsletter. 

Local Events: Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu with Angela Gale.

Angela Gale with Heart Space Healing Place and Jin Shin Jyutsu.

Heart Space Healing Place with Angela Gale is now open in Boise. Angela’s energy has been fantastic ever since we met a couple of decades ago. I attuned Angela and her husband Robert to Reiki Master level about 10 years ago and she’s never stopped seeking or learning new healing techniques since then. She’s a talented healer and is now Jin Shin Jyutsu certified. Check her out if you’re in her area:

BodySoulSpiritFestival: March 11, 2017 at the Latah County Fairgrounds 1021 Harold Moscow, ID 83843 When: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM   FREE admission! Providing empowerment for the body, soul, and spirit Vendors and Lecture schedule coming in January,

Welcome to the Body, Soul, and Spirit Festival! The next festival is scheduled for Saturday, March 11th at the Latah County Fairgrounds in Moscow, Idaho from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. There is NO admission fee to hear the lectures or visit the vendor booths. Interested vendors and/lecturers, please visit the VENDOR page to fill out an application.    Come enjoy educational lectures on how to empower your body, soul, and spirit. Vendors and speakers provide a variety of products and services to assist you on a journey to wholeness in your body, soul, and spirit. Our vendors may include such products as art, music, books, edible items, and jewelry among other products to promote good health. Services may include, readings, massage, chiropractic, and emotional and spiritual healing. Saunter through the vendor booths and then into the “food garden” that’s open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Grab a bite to eat while listening to a lecture or relax while eating your meal in the food garden.

That’s a wrap for this newsletter folks. I’m looking forward to working with those of you I can help.  I’m so enjoying reconnecting with some of you even, if it is just on an annual basis. You mean the world to me. We’re going to need a lot of prayer this year for political guidance for the highest and best good of all concerned, so keep Love in mind at all times. Namaste. Dr. Denice Moffat

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