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NHT News. Vol. 3 No. 8 Nov 2007


November, 2007         Volume 3 Issue 8 

In This Issue:  

(Please note that full names are never used in this newsletter or on my website without the full consent of the sender or client. Some cases also encompass groupings of cases with similar symptoms and suggestions for healing in an attempt to educate the general public.) 

Health in the News:  

End of Year FLEX Plan Reminder: Just a reminder to check in with how many funds you have left in your alternative medicine savings accounts  and FLEX plans for the year. If you don’t use those dollars each year for some of these plans, you’ll lose them. You may as well end the year up healthy by seeing your massage therapist, chiropractor, and naturopath! Some health savings accounts also will pay for dentistry and eye exams.

From: Complementary and Alternative Medicine – TRUSTEE – The Magazine.

From acute to rehabilitative care, and particularly with chronic health conditions, providers are learning that complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) offers many simpler, less invasive and often less expensive ways for patients to repair and improve their health than allopathic (i.e., traditional) medicine.  But perhaps the bigger news is that their patients are way ahead of them.  Consumers are investigating CAM therapies in increasing numbers – and seeking treatment at the hospitals that offer it.

Typical CAM therapies include acupuncture, chiropractic, reiki, homeopathy, herbal medicine, hypnosis, biofeedback, massage therapy, stress management and diet changes, among others.

National statistics have shown that for every one out of three Americans who say they have used CAM treatments, 84 percent say they would do so again.  Additional data from Alternative Medicine Online show that, as far back as 1991, Americans made 425 million visits to CAM providers, compared with 388 million visits to traditional providers, spending $13.7 billion on CAM, 75 percent of which was out-of-pocket.

To read the full article, go here: 

Denice’s Note: I do think some of the hospitals are starting to come around. Keep demanding it! Slow and steady progress is what will happen. Other hospitals just say they are supporting alternative medicine but really don’t. Keep asking questions and seek members of your healing team that will work to understand you and your needs. 
What’s New on the Website?  

Animation! For two years now I’ve had a little 3 x 5 card that says ANIMATION on my To Do clothesline in front of my computer. Then someone sent me a cute little animation picture of a squirrel giving another squirrel a massage which inspired me, so I spent several long hours looking for free animations to put on my web pages to make them more “sticky”. I had lots of fun doing that and I hope you enjoy it. I put several on my Site Map for you to check out. That card now goes on the “Done” pile. I’m still working on putting up some videos. 

Know Your Products: I designed a template for posting all the herbs that I have. I’ve got two of them posted (Burdock and Irish Moss). It’s a project I’ve wanted to do for years and I think I’ve actually found someone to help me. I hope so. If not, well. . .I only have 158 more herbs to go! 

I’ve had so many questions about the use of White Oak Bark for gingivitis, I ended up posting a few of those questions (and the answers to them) in hopes that the directions are more complete and all your questions have been answered. See the article: /SpecificDiseases/gingivitis_periodontitis_pyorrhea.htm 

Case of the Month: Gall Bladder Problems

I’ve been seeing a lot of gall bladder challenges this month (it’s the season with all the high-fat foods.) Let’s review the signs/symptoms of a gall bladder imbalance:

In veterinary school, they taught us that the gallbladder is known as the “great masquerader” because when something is wrong with it, there are such a wide variety of one or more symptoms.  For more tips on how to handle gall bladder symptoms and a picture of where the gall bladder is, go to my Gall Bladder Tips handout

Gee, kind of makes one hungry for cheesecake doesn’t it? 

Choline is one of my favorite things to send home for gallbladder challenges and in the last few months I’ve been sending home bunches of that, so let’s talk about what choline does. . . 

Product of the Month: Choline—Part of being a good doctor (and an artist in your field) is to know which products, what brands and at which dose to send home with someone. That takes a lot of studying, memory retention, resources, intuition and common sense. 

I’ve fielded a lot of questions this month like, “How come the other doctor sent me home with all these extra supplements that I can now hardly gag down? Why so many?”

When we first take classes on how to use different lines of supplements, herbs, homeopathics, etc. we are taught by people who are often very knowledgeable in their fields, but they are also sales people for their companies!

Any handouts, books and brochures they give or sell to us lists only their line of supplements in a shotgun approach (which means they list ALL the supplements they carry that will help or has helped a certain disease in ANY way). They also usually dose the person really high (is this to sell more supplements? I don’t know.)

Well, sometimes we need a few well-placed supplements each day. We know we need them. We feel better taking them, and we can feel it in our bodies when we don’t take them. Those are the supplements that you want to take. Other supplements, like Choline, you’ll only need to take for a few short months.

Beginning practitioners, or as I call them, “Technicians in their field” just follow the listed protocols. They probably like that too because you can make a lot of money that way if you’re also a good sales person. Often they don’t use common sense in their protocols and never become “artists in their field.” They like all those neat do-dads you can buy to diagnose people with that make noises and have gauges on them that beep, beep, beep and come up with some abnormality in your system to fix (with the appropriate protocol according to the books). Some people actually need those kind of machines so they have something tangible and “verifiable” to show other people. And that’s OK. . . for them.

I’m not like that. I consider myself an artist in my field. I don’t usually follow protocols and I don’t have fancy machines to help me tell you what’s wrong with you. I read, study, memorize, build lists and I listen to the person and their body. I glean what I can from the volumes of information given to me and then develop a program best suited for them. That’s why it’s often difficult for me to tell someone what I think without doing a full consult. I love being accurate and helpful and I also love seeing positive results. I just can’t do that with bits and pieces of history that people send me. If it’s an easy fix, I tell them how to fix it (no charge). And if I can’t help them, I tell them that as well and try to give them a technique or referral or direction they should go to try to get the help they need.

I’ve learned to take complete histories, let my Guides help me in choosing supplements, and have learned what personality types will do best with which type of supplements and products.

So, I’m going to try to take this Product of the Month supplement (Choline) and lead you through the reasoning process of why Choline would be better for a gall bladder case than say, Angostura bitters, Betaine Hydrochloride, Zypan, or Hydrangea root, which are also used to treat that particular malady.

Here we go. . .

I like Choline because it makes the bile more liquefied so that it passes easier through the bile duct (which is really small and can get irritated and blocked thus causing gall bladder “attacks.”) It also helps with brain function and helps prevent “brain fog.”

Signs of Choline Deficiency:  

Now if a client has more than one thing on this list, this gives me a better feel about how choline will work for them. The more things they have, the better it will work. If we can get to the core cause and suggest a few products that will really work, then we’ll be able to help a whole BUNCH of symptoms—not just the gallbladder issue. That’s why I try to find the items that will help the core cause of their disease. 

Even though the body may have had the gallbladder surgically removed, the liver still produces bile and if the bile gets backed up in the liver you can have some digestive problems. In some instances the gall bladder will actually grow back. People over the age of 40 have more gall bladder problems (I guess life just catches up to them.) And if you don’t take care of gallbladder issues, over the years the knees also become affected because they run along the same energy meridians. Most people with knee replacements also have or have had gallbladder problems. 

What Choline Does:

If I’ve determined that Choline is best from their history (and my Guides tell me that’s what they need) then I try to make sense of that for the client by testing down the list of symptoms and how a supplement works to see specifically why their body has asked for that particular product. 

Sometimes the deficiency will be only moderate and a food high in that particular substance will be the way to help the client. But if they don’t like the foods high in choline, don’t have them available for some reason, won’t remember to put them in their diet or can’t eat that much food, then we need to go with some kind of supplement. So, I ask their body if it would prefer a food, pill, herb, or some other route to repair itself. 

Food Sources of Choline: Butter, Cauliflower, Egg yolks, Lecithin, Legumes, Lettuce (not Iceberg), Liver, Meat, Milk, Peanuts, Soybeans and Whole-grain cereals. 

We use the Standard Process brand of choline in our practice because it is high quality and doesn’t have a bunch of fillers in it, but choline is one of those products where you can easily get a good-quality one at your local health food store. 

Of course, when I test supplements for my own clients, I ask their bodies which one is best for them and if it will cause any side affects. Sometimes the body will not want a particular supplement if it will react to one of the fillers, binding agents, additives or even the color of the tablet or capsule. 

For example, I see lots of folks who are allergic to the blue dyes they put into some medications. Some people will actually test they need the capsules from one bottle, but not another bottle of the same supplement with the same brand name. I suspect the body knows that this other batch is contaminated with something that the previous batch did not have. Who knows for sure. 

It seems that most of my clients only need to take Choline for a few months (up to 6) until everything starts to work out or they finally figure they can’t eat highly saturated fatty foods without experiencing the consequences so clean up their diet. They may start out taking 3/day for a month then go down to 2/day for two months then take just one per day for several more months. Sometimes it just takes time to change habits. 

Forms of Choline available include: Phosphytidyl Choline, Choline Bitartrate, Choline Chloride, and Choline inositol (Inositol is a sugar the brain uses). Choline tablets by Standard Process Labs are made of Choline Bitartrate. 

Some people do better with foods, some with popping a pill, and others do best on herbal or homeopathic supplements containing what the body needs. For choline, there are no herbs or homeopathics that will complete the deficiency. 

If we listen to the client we can get clues as to which type of substance will be best accepted by the body and that person’s lifestyle. Sometimes the deficiency is so great that we have no choice but to subsidize the diet with a pill for a little bit. It’s nice to be able to move towards a balanced diet, but let’s face it; that just doesn’t happen for most of the people in this world. We just have to do what works—no matter what it is. 

I know I talk really fast during an exam and I fire about a thousand questions during that first 90 minutes, and it must often seem as though I’m not listening sometimes but I really am. I’m just trying to get all those nit-picky details that I can so that I can tailor-make a program that is best for you. 

Angostura bitters is never sent home for people who don’t have time to fix anything for themselves because they  won’t take the time to put the little drops into a spoon or on a piece of lime to take it. And if they hate bitter tastes, then what’s the point? They won’t take it. Angostura bitters is good for people with hiccoughs and it’s kind of a quick fix. Send it home for the person who loves to handle and play with food.  It’s also good for those people fixated on their treatment regimes who love to take pills 3-4 times a day, in between meal, and hour before this or that (like for people who don’t have anything else to do but attend to their health issues). It gives them something to do and it can be effective. It’s usually only taken short-term. 

Betaine Hydrochloride is good for people with low stomach acid (like Blood Type A people), for vegetarians or meat-eaters who’ve lost their taste for meat, people who have indigestion 2-3 hours after eating, those with anemia and for those people you can’t talk out of drinking lots of fluid with their meals. Usually when I explain to people that they are diluting out their stomach acids when they drink lots of liquids with a meal, they’ll just cut back on the fluids with meals and not need Betaine hydrochloride. Easy fix.  There are protocols out there where one takes up to 20-30 tabs/day until they feel a burn then they’re supposed to cut back (as part of an ulcer protocol), but I think there are easier ways to deal with ulcers. 

Zypan is good for chronic indigestion (GERD) and for people who don’t seem to chew their food enough. It’s for more than just not being able to digest fats. These people can’t digest anything complicated without having a hard time of it. They may also have diarrhea, insomnia, cramps, nervousness or be blood type A or B. These blood types are not as efficient in producing hydrochloric acid and don’t handle meat very well and when they have too much of it in their diet, the protein stagnates which leads to problems. Zypan is a very safe, effective product that seems to work long term. 

Hydrangea root is another good supplement for gallbladder symptoms but I usually only send it home for stone formers. So, kidney stones, bladder stones, gall bladder stones and those that form bone spicules and have sharp shooting pains at the ends of their muscles where the muscles attach to the bone. We’ll talk about that when we discuss Kidney Stones next month. 

Evaluating the client’s diet and trying to get them to tell you what they eat that’s highly saturated, fried, and partially hydrogenated is kind of a trick as well. Often people will get psychic amnesia during the consult and can’t remember what they normally eat on a regular basis. 

The goal is to get a more balanced diet with more unsaturated fats so that these fats will penetrate and replace the heavier fats. Then we’d want to add in some roughage in the form of raw, unprocessed foods to cleanse the insides of the intestines out so that the foods they eat will digest better. It’s all a part of the cleanse, detox and rebuilding processes. 

Media Reviews: Book Review: Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle by William Campbell Douglass, MD © 1996 Second Opinion Publishing, Inc. 

The use of Hydrogen Peroxide is a somewhat controversial topic in the world of alternative medicine, but Dr. Douglass points out in his book that there are over 6,100 articles in the scientific literature dating from 1920 on the scientific applications of hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide has been used for pollen and food allergies, multiple sclerosis, Epstein – Barr virus, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, thyroid disease, stomach ulcers, arteriosclerosis, bronchiectasis, emphysema, arteritis, varicose veins, pneumonia, asthma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), flu, yeast/Candida, warts and moles, gum disease and bad breath.

Hydrogen peroxide is used for a host of different things besides these specific diseases as well.  See: /HealingTechniques/hydrogen_peroxide_uses.htm

Studies have shown that the tissue oxygen levels with intravenous hydrogen peroxide equaled that of hyperbaric chamber treatment (which are WAY more expensive by the way!)

Hydrogen peroxide is produced by killer cells (a type of white blood cell) in your body. These cells, (called PMN’s or polymorphonucleocites) engulf bacteria, combine oxygen with water to make hydrogen peroxide, and kill the bacteria with an oxygen burst. The PMNs also kill viruses, some parasites and yeast in the same manner.

Hydrogen peroxide is necessary for the manufacture of certain hormone-like prostaglandins which can help with pain in the body.

Vitamin C helps the body produce hydrogen peroxide naturally. Note, this does not include Ascorbic Acid which is only one synthetic molecule of the Vitamin C complex—you’d have to use natural forms of Vitamin C like whole foods, rose hips, and Acerola.

Tissues are more sensitive to radiation treatment if the oxygen supply to those tissues is maximized.  Cancer only grows in low oxygenated areas. Neuroblastoma cells (a brain cancer caused by a virus) were inhibited by H2O2 in some lab experiments.

In humans, cats and horses catalase is abundant in both the plasma and red cells. Hydrogen peroxide will help those with rheumatoid arthritis because of this.

Dogs and chickens have low catalase levels so they have a poor tolerance to H2O2. In fact you can kill them with hydrogen peroxide if you are not careful (especially when giving it intravenously). These species develop pulmonary edema and methemoglobinemia with peroxide use.

They taught us in veterinary school that giving hydrogen peroxide was one technique to use to get a dog to vomit. Being the experiential person that I am—I often taste the supplements, herbs and medications before giving them to a pet so that I know what they will feel and taste—I decided to see what would happen when I took the recommended dog dose on a full stomach one evening after dinner. . . Well, I decided not to do THAT again, and understood why the dogs would try to bite me when I tried to get the second dose syringe of H2O2 down their throat! I was nauseous for a good 6 hours—and I didn’t even vomit! Back to the drawing board for emetics (vomit inducers)!

Random Tidbits on H2O2 (from Chapter 7): You’ll like this one—people drink coffee in the morning because it makes them feel good, but it’s not just the caffeine doing this. Roasting coffee beans gives them a hydrogen peroxide generating system. Hmmm. Coffee is actually good for us? I just read the other day that light-roast has more caffeine than dark-roast coffee, but maybe dark roast is better for you. Who knows!

Dr. Douglass’ book says that taking too much hydrogen peroxide orally on an empty stomach can cause a Herxheimer’s reaction (also called a Healing Crisis).  Maybe the dose for vomiting does something different? Woof. He says some Herxheimer’s reactions from taking hydrogen peroxide include: skin eruptions, boils, fatigue, sleepiness, nausea or diarrhea. 

Intravenous hydrogen peroxide helps to dissolve plaque buildup within blood vessels. Investigators reported that the improvement was not temporary. Autopsies done a year after the hydrogen peroxide treatments showed as much cleaning out of the arteries as in those patients who died just weeks following the procedure.

I’ve seen hordes of people in the Mexican Chelation Clinics opt for this treatment instead of getting stents, bypasses or their veins roto-rootered out, but I don’t know if it has really worked for them.

Although Dr. Douglass alluded to the fact that you could take hydrogen peroxide orally (he recommended the 3% over-the-counter variety,) I suspect he was not being totally open about this. I wondered if he had gotten into trouble with telling people about his methods in the past because on page 73 he states:

“The enthusiasts for H2O2 by mouth say it will cure everything from arthritis to old age—will it cure the ulcer infection? I’m not recommending it; (his italics) I just thought I would mention it. If you try this, do not use more than 20 drops of H2O2 per glass of water.”

And on page 137 he states, “I have not endorsed peroxide by mouth and I have never endorsed the use of so-called food grade peroxide. When giving a dosage, I am merely trying to prevent people from killing themselves, as a friend of mine almost did with massive doses of “food grade” peroxide. Because it was labeled as food, he thought it must be safe—a logical, but erroneous conclusion.”

In later chapters he discusses several case studies where hydrogen peroxide had “cured” the health challenge (including AIDS) but I was not convinced that a cure had been reached for some of the cases he discussed. I’m not discounting his work, I’m just saying that a long-term follow up had not been done and sometimes placebo affect and other lifestyle changes will be effective enough to temporarily alleviate many symptoms of disease.

The book did have some great information though and I do know of some clinics in the United States that perform IV hydrogen peroxide treatments at their chelation clinics. If you’d like to find a practitioner in your area that does this, check out the ACAM (American College for the Advancement of Medicine) site to find a practitioner in your area at: (type in CT for Chelation Therapists.)

One thing that bothered me about this book is that some of the medical words were misspelled. Kind of doesn’t give you a sense of security about the medical procedures he discusses, but I suspect the book was self-published.

Ask Dr. Moffat:  

Hello! Your website is so interesting!  I just had lab tests done and am trying to read the results with the help you have listed in your website (Lab Result Meaning.)  What exactly do you mean when you say “Rule out”?  Does that mean to test further? Thanks!

Dear Hello: A Rule Out (“also could be’s”) means there has to be other diseases and details taken into account to rule in a particular disease or rule out one of the diseases listed on a probable causes list.

We eliminate the causes when we have more clues until we finally get to the ONE or TWO diseases we think an abnormality may be caused from. Then, we can run more tests to see if we are right with our assumptions and to see if one thing we think it is has a stronger possibility of being right.

This seems to be a tough thing to explain. Let me try a second way and you tell me which one you understand better.  Then I’ll supply you with an example as well. . . 

Doctors put things into a priority system taking into account the history, signalment (age, sex, nationality) and other clues which the patient has been exposed to. From this information, we make a list of probable causes and improbable causes. Then we decide what further tests are necessary to hopefully confirm the most probable disease. Does that make sense? 

And an example: Say you go to a doctor for because your ankle hurts. You took a pretty bad fall and twisted it.  We’d make some basic assumptions from the clue of trauma and twist and rule in a sprain, strain, fracture (compound, compressed, or spiral), and periosteal bruising. These would be high on the rule out list. 

But let’s we asked some more questions and found out that you are 80 years old, arthritic, haven’t taken care of yourself and cancer runs in your family. The first things we thought it was would be a little farther down the list of probabilities (because this patient is old and already has arthritis and possibly cancer or osteoporosis). Now we’d have to rule out more things like arthritis, fractures and bone cancer. Cancer and arthritis are somewhat lower on the list if the patient is in his teens, right? 

So, we’d take an X-ray to see if there is a fracture or sunburst bone growth pattern (indicating bone cancer), bone spurs, lipping of the edges of the bone (spondylosis), and we’d check for bone density to rule out a fracture secondary to osteoporosis. We could even see if the ligaments are calcifying at the ends right next to the bone which would cause pain. We’d also turn in some blood to see if you had any cancer enzymes or indications of general malaise. Since rheumatoid arthritis normally happens in younger bodies, we may not run that test because this patient is too old for that to be a high probability. 

We have to make choices on how much money is to be spent on running tests, which ones would be appropriate (and sometimes we’re fooled) and which ones would not. What is the best use of diagnostic dollars to give us the answers we are seeking? 

With these extra tests we could tell you most likely what you have and how to treat it because we have ruled out a host of things that is wasn’t.  If a fracture or bone tumor is obvious with an X-ray, then we’ve ruled in that diagnosis. Does that make better sense now? 

Other professions have rule outs as well. A car mechanic uses this process to figure which part of the electrical system could be the core cause of the problem when a client comes in with electrical problems; a plumber gets a history and checks fuse boxes, elements, and other things to determine why a hot water heater is not working. 

Dr. Moffat I would really appreciate your input.  I have tiny worms on my furniture that appear clearish with a black center to them.  The largest one we have found is about ¼ inch long and skinny.  Their appearance is very similar to mosquito larvae.  I believe my 2 year old cat has whatever this is and after some research I believe it to be pinworm; her hind end doesn’t seem to bother her.  We put it under a microscope and found it to have several eggs inside of it.  This happened last year also around this time and before we knew what had happened it stopped.  What are your thoughts?   Bernie 

Note: This month I’ve been having a lot of fun with the pictures people have been sending me that they’ve taken with their cell phones. This woman did not send a picture, but  provided a pretty good description. With the details she gave I have “ruled out” a few common worms and have ruled in only one (considering it was about her cat and she didn’t mention any other animals in the house.) 

Dear Bernie: Cat pinworms are about 2 1/2 inches long. Tapeworms don’t have a black center. Does your cat vomit? I wonder if it could be Alurostrongylus abstrusus (Cat lung worm). Alurostrongylus seems to be hard to diagnose because it often does not show up in a fecal sample and you have to do extra techniques (like tracheal lavage) to get a sample where the eggs will be. It happens often in cat colonies and is kind of difficult to treat (Vets use Panacur for that). Look familiar? 

Dr. M: I have read that it’s harder for some people to test themselves. Do you use the same process for testing yourself as you do on your clients? Zheng

Dear Zheng: I use the same process to test myself and have never had a problem. BUT, I trust the process and use common sense and have a huge medical knowledge base so have a bigger stash of information to draw from. I have had clients who know how to muscle test not use common sense and they ended up taking 98 pills of the same herb because they muscle tested that’s what they were supposed to do!

One must use the voice of reason. And also be humble. We can’t heal everything in our clients so why would we expect and judge ourselves for not being able to heal everything in our own bodies. I also think that God makes it so that we have to work through our own lessons of self-esteem, self love, trust and discernment. By helping other people along with their lessons and by working with other healers to be mentored and to mentor, we both get and give feedback for the good of all. I also learn from every animal patient and human client. Everyone has something to teach–some kind of input.

I also don’t subscribe to the beliefs that you have to touch the other person, take off your watch, sit in a northern direction, turn your head to the left, keep your feet flat on the ground, not cross your legs, etc, etc. Intention is everything in the world of healing. If your intention is to be accurate and get the answers channeled to you for the betterment of that soul’s journey here on earth, your energy is strong and you are taking care of your own issues, then you get more accurate answers.

Some people who feel they are not accurate in their own testing have a different belief system than mine. I say, if you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you can’t.

Sometimes I don’t get the answers I am asking because I’m not supposed to. I’ve learned what areas my Guides will give me answers in and what areas are “off limits.” This comes with practice and some people get answers I don’t get. So it’s up to us to find out who we vibe with and work best with (healers and clients) and let the others go.

(Note: Zheng is studying to be an osteopathic physician. We’ve been interacting quite a bit and he’s so good at the questions he asks about how I work that you’ll be seeing more of him.)

Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life  

DAMNIT Scheme for Diagnosis:

The basic disease processes encompassed by this acronym can help in remembering the underlying causes of disease. It’s one we were taught in our veterinary radiology class. We’d stand in front of X-ray viewing boxes for hours looking at radiographs saying “DAMNIT, what could this be. . .D is for degenerative, disorders, developmental”. . .duh. . .until our eyes blurred or we just didn’t care anymore.

Of course I’ve added a few extra terms you don’t need when looking at radiographs, but you get the general idea. It covers a lot of ground.

The DAMNIT Scheme of Diagnosis:

Gee, we’ve missed Y,E,L,P,S and C,V! Guess you’ll have to look at my list of Core Causes: /ExamForms-MedicalIntuitive/core_causes1.htm

Finding Your True Love: Loneliness to Love Mentoring Program: A dear friend of mine who is a fabulous minister and coach took this program from another acquaintance of ours who found her true love in a matter of a couple months. The program involves utilizing principles as in The Secret and Esther Hicks book, The Law of Attraction. You can read more about The Loneliness to Love Mentoring Program here:  Colleen Brady, the developer of the program, is now expanding the numbers of people she can help and is doing some teleseminars for VERY reasonable prices. Since I have lots of clients needing clarity in manifesting their perfect partner, I thought I’d give a plug for the program. 

Tell Colleen you read about it here! (No, I don’t get anything for referring but the warm feeling of making people happy and connected them to resources that are quality and safe to explore!) 

Hi Denice, I was reading your new e-newsletter and noticed there was a note from a woman who said she was still having trouble with constipation. I just wondered if you’d given her the same advice you gave me? I had chronic constipation my whole life until I followed your suggestion and started eating two cups of raw veggies every day.  I always thought I ate pretty well, but realized later that most of the vegetables I ate were cooked.  I haven’t had any trouble with constipation since. Thanks, Terri 

Client Testimonials:  

Hey Denice! I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for your cold & flu recipe you have in one of your old newsletters! I found it on your site back when we first started working together, & I use it faithfully for myself (& Robert!) at the first sign or feeling of sickness.  About 98% of the time, it works – & usually after taking it only the one time! It’s amazing! I call it “CKO” [(like a “TKO” in boxing!) which stands for “Cold Knock-Out”; because it TOTALLY knocks out a cold, I tell ya! :-)].  So, thanks again for this wonderful remedy, Denice! Take care & hope your holidays are safe & happy!  –Felicia     

Hi Denice: I just wanted to tell you what a super newsletter that last one was. You are truly gifted at this and I wish I lived closer. I would love to meet you and feel the vibrations and love that I know you would project. Southwest Florida is a long way from Idaho. The Celtic Sea Salt is great! I am happy to see you are selling it. May God Bless. Your Friend, Nick Z. Namaste! 

Nick: Yes, I love that Celtic Sea Salt. I’ve so appreciated your input in the past, Nick. Loved your meditation technique and think of that often! Most of my interaction with clients is via the phone, so if you need me, there is no need to fly here! It all works just the same, in person or on the phone. I’m sure our paths will meet someday though! Thanks for reading. Denice 

Healthy Recipes: Chicken Soup with Wild Rice 

This is a soup I often recommend my clients make when they are under the weather.  The soup fits with the Simon and Garfunkel song, “Are you going to Scarborough Fair” and it’s my way of remembering that parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme are all perfect herbs for colds, flu and the immune system. These herbs kill viruses, fungi, and bacteria. Since we’ve done an acronym this month we may as well add in a mnemonic! 

Directions: Put all but the wild rice in a big stock pot and bring to a boil for an hour. Pull out the chicken carcass, let cool and pick all the meat off and return it to the soup. Discard bones and fat. Add the wild rice and continue to cook about 30 minutes. Serve hot. Makes about 10 cups

Notes: I like using fresh herbs and pull what is left of the stalks out at the time I glean all the meat off the chicken carcass but dried ground herbs work fine too. Easy to make and it freezes well. 

Inspiration & Perspective:

Let Go of the Thoughts That No Longer Serve You!

“Turn your attention to what you desire. Think about where you’re going and never mind where you’ve been. Don’t spend any more time justifying any of that stuff.”

Excerpted from an Abraham workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, April 21st, 2001  

This bird rocks! Turn on your sound for this one. This video is so typical of some of the birds I’ve known. It also shows how well they communicate (and know way more than we give them credit for!) Click here: Bird Lovers Only Rescue: May I have this dance?

“Sometimes God lifts the veil that separates Heaven and earth, and gives us a little peek into what we have lost and what we can look forward to.”  

This Magic Moment with a Manta Ray by Jennifer Anderson, April 2005

It was like many Maui mornings, the sun rising over Haleakala as we greeted our divers for the day’s charter. As my captain and I explained the dive procedures, I noticed the wind line moving into Molokini, a small, crescent-shaped island that harbors a large reef. I slid through the briefing, and then prompted my divers to gear up, careful to do everything right so the divers would feel confident with me, the dive leader. The dive went pretty close to how I had described it: The garden eels performed their underwater ballet, the parrot fish grazed on the coral, and the ever-elusive male flame wrasse flared their colors to defend their territory. Near the last level of the dive, two couples in my group signaled they were going to ascend. As luck would have it, the remaining divers were two European brothers, who were obviously troubled by the idea of a “woman” dive master and had ignored me for the entire dive.

The three of us caught the current and drifted along the outside of the reef, slowly beginning our ascent until, far below, something caught my eye. After a few moments, I made out the white shoulder patches of a manta ray in about one hundred and twenty feet of water. Manta rays are one of my greatest loves, but very little is known about them. They feed on plankton, which makes them more delicate than an aquarium can handle. They travel the oceans and are therefore a mystery. Mantas can be identified by the distinctive pattern on their belly, with no two rays alike. In 1992, I had been identifying the manta rays that were seen at Molokini and found that some were known, but many more were sighted only once, and then gone. So there I was… a beautiful, very large ray beneath me and my skeptical divers behind. I reminded myself that I was still trying to win their confidence, and a bounce to see this manta wouldn’t help my case. So I started calling through my regulator, “Hey, come up and see me!” I had tried this before to attract the attention of whales and dolphins, which are very chatty underwater and will come sometimes just to see what the noise is about. My divers were just as puzzled by my actions, but continued to try to ignore me.

There was another dive group ahead of us. The leader, who was a friend of mine and knew me to be fairly sane, stopped to see what I was doing. I kept calling to the ray, and when she shifted in the water column, I took that as a sign that she was curious. So I started waving my arms, calling her up to me.

After a minute, she lifted away from where she had been riding the current and began to make a wide circular glide until she was closer to me. I kept watching as she slowly moved back and forth, rising higher, until she was directly beneath the two Europeans and me. I looked at them and was pleased to see them smiling. Now they liked me. After all, I could call up a manta ray! Looking back to the ray, I realized she was much bigger than what we were used to around Molokini – a good fifteen feet from wing tip to wing tip, and not a familiar-looking ray. I had not seen this animal before. There was something else odd about her. I just couldn’t figure out what it was. Once my brain clicked in and I was able to concentrate, I saw deep V-shaped marks of her flesh missing from her backside.

Other marks ran up and down her body. At first I thought a boat had hit her. As she came closer, now with only ten feet separating us, I realized what was wrong. She had fishing hooks embedded in her head by her eye, with very thick fishing line running to her tail. She had rolled with the line and was wrapped head to tail about five or six times.

The line had torn into her body at the back, and those were the V-shaped chunks that were missing.

I felt sick and, for a moment, paralyzed. I knew wild animals in pain would never tolerate a human to inflict more pain. But I had to do something.

Forgetting about my air, my divers and where I was, I went to the manta. I moved very slowly and talked to her the whole time, like she was one of the horses I had grown up with. When I touched her, her whole body quivered, like my horse would. I put both of my hands on her, then my entire body, talking to her the whole time. I knew that she could knock me off at any time with one flick of her great wing.

When she had steadied, I took out the knife that I carry on my inflator hose and lifted one of the lines. It was tight and difficult to get my finger under, almost like a guitar string.

She shook, which told me to be gentle. It was obvious that the slightest pressure was painful.

As I cut through the first line, it pulled into her wounds. With one beat of her mighty wings, she dumped me and bolted away. I figured that she was gone and was amazed when she turned and came right back to me, gliding under my body. I went to work.

She seemed to know it would hurt, and somehow, she also knew that I could help. Imagine the intelligence of that creature, to come for help and to trust!

I cut through one line and into the next until she had all she could take of me and would move away, only to return in a moment or two. I never chased her. I would never chase any animal. I never grabbed her. I allowed her to be in charge, and she always came back.

When all the lines were cut on top, on her next pass, I went under her to pull the lines through the wounds at the back of her body. The tissue had started to grow around them, and they were difficult to get loose. I held myself against her body, with my hand on her lower jaw. She held as motionless as she could. When it was all-loose, I let her go and watched her swim in a circle. She could have gone then, and it would have all fallen away. She came back, and I went back on top of her.

The fishing hooks were still in her. One was barely hanging on, which I removed easily. The other was buried by her eye at least two inches past the barb. Carefully, I began to take it out, hoping I wasn’t damaging anything. She did open and close her eye while I worked on her, and finally, it was out. I held the hooks in one hand, while I gathered the fishing line in the other hand, my weight on the manta.

I could have stayed there forever! I was totally oblivious to everything but that moment. I loved this manta. I was so moved that she would allow me to do this to her. But reality came screaming down on me. With my air running out, I reluctantly came to my senses and pushed myself away.

At first, she stayed below me. And then, when she realized that she was free, she came to life like I never would have imagined she could. I thought she was sick and weak, since her mouth had been tied closed, and she hadn’t been able to feed for however long the lines had been on her. I thought wrong! With two beats of those powerful wings, she rocketed along the wall of Molokini and then directly out to sea!

I lost view of her and, remembering my divers, turned to look for them. Remarkably, we hadn’t traveled very far. My divers were right above me and had witnessed the whole event, thankfully! No one would have believed me alone. It seemed too amazing to have really happened. But as I looked at the hooks and line in my hands and felt the torn calluses from her rough skin, I knew that, yes, it really had happened.

I kicked in the direction of my divers, whose eyes were still wide from the encounter, only to have them signal me to stop and turn around. Until this moment, the whole experience had been phenomenal, but I could explain it. Now, the moment turned magical. I turned and saw her slowly gliding toward me. With barely an effort, she approached me and stopped, her wing just touching my head. I looked into her round, dark eye, and she looked deeply into me. I felt a rush of something that so overpowered me; I have yet to find the words to describe it, except a warm and loving flow of energy from her into me.

She stayed with me for a moment. I don’t know if it was a second or an hour. Then, as sweetly as she came back, she lifted her wing over my head and was gone. A manta thank-you. 

What’s New at Our House?

It’s snowing this week. The newest neighbor who didn’t know any better got his van stuck in the snow trying to get out of his driveway. This is a frequent annual event helping people get unstuck. Michael and I love it. Ha. 

We spent the last two weekends seeking our dream property with a 12-month clear running creek, some timber and farm land on it. We toured Sandpoint, St. Maries, Cataldo, and Deary Idaho looking at the maps then following roads that looked like they were along creeks. The creek seems to be the limiting factor. Nothing yet. We’re headed up to Bonner’s Ferry next (whenever that is).  

I’ve done a pretty good job listening to my Holosync CD this month. I only missed a few days, but many of the days I had to get up at 3 a.m. to listen to the hour-long program to get it in. I did have two psychic experiences though so I’m pumped. Both instances involved hearing the animals talk to me during a consult.  One horse told me he was really depressed and needed a new owner as his owner never visited or rode him. The cat shared information about why he didn’t want to use his litter box. As it turned out the woman had the correct number of litter boxes, one per cat plus one extra, but all three litter boxes were in the same room! Gee, I’d never thought of that arrangement before.

December is our month to get our paperwork in order. We like to have every piece of paper filed, tossed or processed by the end of December, our checkbooks all put into QuickBooks and all our day sheets tallied ready to get those taxes completed so we don’t have to worry about them in the coming year. It’s a big job but we are doing better and better at this as the years pass. 

Local Events: 

McCall, ID: January 25-Feb 3nd. This is a must-see Winter Ice Festival of giant proportions. This 43rd year there will be 50 world-class, mouth-watering, awe-inspiring ice sculptures. People come from all over the world to build gigantic and meticulously perfect ice sculptures all in a 24-hour period. They actually work around the clock by setting up lights to work during the night. You drive around the town with a pamphlet and vote for the 10 best statues. What a kick!  Find out more here:  Hope to see you there. 

That’s it for this Month!

Be Healthy.  Denice

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Dr. Denice Moffat is a practicing naturopath, medical intuitive, and veterinarian working on the family unit (which includes humans and animals) through her phone consultation practice established in 1993. She has a content-rich website at and free newsletter.

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