Boundaries-Where You End and I Begin

Enmeshment endangers the self-worth. It is an attempt to feel and think as if you were the other person so that you feel accepted—like you’re not good enough already and constantly need somebody to validate your worth by pretending to be somebody you’re not. When this happens you become a brainless servant with no life of your own. You are also not being and using the special gifts you came to earth this time around to share with the rest of the world.

NHT News. Vol. 7 No. 2 Nov 2011

Natural Health Techniques Newsletter Dr. Denice Moffat, Medical Intuitive Volume 7 No. 2 Nov. 2011 Health in the News: Google Alerts What’s New on the Website? Follow us on Facebook! (and Twitter, Linked In and RSS)
Case of the Month: Facial Twitch Product of the Month: Kale—The Wonder Food Media Reviews: (Book) Boundaries: Where You End and I begin. Ask Dr. Moffat: How much raw vs. cooked should I eat? What’s causing these canker sores? Bottom incisors throbbing. Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life: Cell phone use. Resource Guide to Kids Health. The Grecian Garden website. Client Testimonials: Thanks for the referral! Healthy Recipes: Kale Chips
Inspiration & Perspective: Inspiring water filter. Mother with no hands. Now, if you think you have your hands full! Your Bank Account What’s New at Our House? Completed harvest, Adopted new kittens, Getting the place ready for winter, Deary Idaho website

My Perfect Client

Well, whatever you think about is what you create. Here’s my personal list. I mentor many other healers and people who want healing practices so I hope my list triggers some processing for you and ideas as to what you want to accomplish for YOUR business. This exercise taken from the book, Attracting Perfect Customers by Stacy Hall and Jan Brogniez