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Vitamin D

Vitamin D 1

Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency:

The recommended RDA of Vitamin D for children is 1000 International Units (IU).

The recommended RDA of Vitamin D for adults is between 400-2000 IU

What Vitamin D Does:

SUNSHINE is the BEST source of Vitamin D!

FOOD SOURCES of Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol):

Herb Sources for Vitamin D:

Other Sources and Name Brands for Vitamin D:

My feeling is that we are seeing lots of osteoporosis these days because we are not eating the oils that our cells have memory for from many generations back. If we don’t get those oils in our diets, then the calcium can’t suck into the cells and therefore into our bones. A couple of great oils that keep coming up time and again for humans are olive oil, Udo’s Choice Oil blend, Salmon oil and sometimes Sunflower oil. It appears that lots of clients are on Flax Seed oil, but they just don’t test out that they need it.

Vitamin D Side Effects:

Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble vitamins. This means your body stores the excess. Excess vitamin D is stored in the liver. Over time, I feel we’re going to see lots of clients with these side effects just like we’re seeing lots of problems with excess calcium because people are not taking the best supplements suited for their body type. Anyway, here are the side effects of Vitamin D overdose:

Note that some of these symptoms are the same for not getting enough calcium but remember that you can’t overdose on calcium by eating calcium rich foods or spending time in the sun. Your skin knows how much vitamin D to make.

Cautions & Comments about Vitamin D:

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