Dr. Moffat’s Book List

These are some of the many books that have influenced the way I work and the information has helped hundreds of clients get their health problems under control. I just love these books and I’ll continue to put more on the list as we go. If you feel like the site is helpful please tell them at Paper Back Swap that I turned you onto it and I’ll get a credit for a free book. Lord knows I do need more books! I only have 2 full walls of them now. One can always use more books. . . and more flowers!

Our Favorite Movies

As you can see from this list, we like romance, comedy, inspirational, “one person can make a difference”, adventure, morals/values, following your life purpose and passions, based on true stories, good-over-bad with no violence. We also like metaphysical movies and movies that focus on alternative methods of healing (of course!)

The Life You Were Born to Live

Information from The Life You Were Born to Live is one of many tools I offer to get people back on track. Coming to terms with and finding your alignment with morals and values is also a step in determining your very special gift to the world. If you are going to a job and stuck in survival mode this book may be an eye-opener.

The World’s Fastest Indian

As he was trying to figure out how to correct the way his motorcycle fishtailed at 85 miles/hour he figured if he added a lead weight just to the front of center point of gravity, that it would stop the wobble. He demonstrated the concept using a cigar and a toothpick. Well, he tried it and it didn’t work. By this time he had three accomplices and a following. He said to them, “That was a stupid idea. Who thought that up?” as he laughed after trying his idea out and almost killing himself. “You did, Burt!” they said.

Uncorked the Movie

Everyone around Ross knows that playing his guitar IS his life purpose, but he’s convinced that he needs to act “responsibly” and make money in various ways to keep the farm going, his uncle cared for and to provide funds for his brother’s passion which is the garden. He’s so busy doing what he’s doing, he’s lost touch with reality and living in the present.

The Ultimate Gift

Emily (Abigale Breslin), age 11 has terminal cancer but it is not evident to Jason. One of the gifts Jason has to accomplish is to have just one friend who loves you with no strings attached. When asked how long she intends to stay friends with Jason she tells the attorney (Bill Cobbs) in charge of the project, “I intend to know him my whole life!”