NHT News Vol. 11 No. 4 November 25, 2015
Table of Contents
In This Issue:
- From the Desk of Dr. Moffat: Black Friday Special is coming up!
- Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life Visceral Manipulation
- Client Testimonials: Headaches gone for the first time in my life. Life Force and Health Percentages.
- Recipe of the Month: Frittata Muffins
- Inspiration & Perspective: Prayer to God
- What’s New at Our House? Winter prep, stuffing capsules
(Please note that full names are never used in this newsletter or on my website without the full consent of the sender or client. Some cases also encompass groupings of cases with similar symptoms and suggestions for healing in an attempt to educate the general public.)
From the Desk of Dr. Moffat:
Join us in participating in our 5th Annual Black Friday 50% Off Consults special all weekend long! Referrals and reposts onto your Facebook pages are greatly appreciated. We’d love to have more likes and thanks also for signing up for our (now occasional) newsletters. This once-a-year special is an unbeatable deal and my favorite time of the year to catch up on the lives of my clients and to meet new ones.: https://naturalhealthtechniques.com/annual-black-friday-special/
Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life: Visceral Manipulation
Visceral Manipulation (VM) was developed by Jean-Pierre Barral, a French Osteopath and Physical Therapist. While studying lung anatomy with a specialist in lung diseases during his schooling, Dr. Barral noticed certain patterns of stress in the tissues of cadavers. Integrating this information with biomechanics in living subjects and working on a patient he had been treating with spinal manipulation, his patient mentioned that his back felt better after an old man pushed something in his abdomen. Dr. Barral wondered if there was a relationship between the viscera and the spine and began exploring stomach manipulations with several patients and had successful results. These experiments lead to the development of the technique in 1975 now called Visceral Manipulation.
The body, in its normal state of health flows, moves, breathes, digests and does everything it needs to do automatically.
Diseases, surgeries, acute injuries, chronic pain, the birth process and even emotional issues and posture can cause tension disruptions in the body which disrupts healthy and normal movement. When the blood vessels, connective tissue, ligaments, nervous, musculoskeletal, urogenital, respiratory, digestive or lymphatic systems do not function correctly, they affect many other parts of the body.
Some examples that may do well with visceral manipulation technique: Read more: https://naturalhealthtechniques.com/visceral-manipulation/
Client Testimonials:
Headaches gone for the first time in my life. A mother called for her 5-year-old daughter this month. After we finished with her daughter the mother shared her testimonial. Apparent the woman had been having headaches for several decades. We worked out a program for her and I found that her liver energy was off. She didn’t seem angry upon talking to her but the Guides wanted her to have an emotional remedy for the liver so I sent it along. “I just wanted you to know that a week after I started taking the Liver RET remedy that my headaches went away and have never come back. No one in my entire life has been able to do that for me and I want to thank you.” Wow. God bumps! I am so grateful for being the channel of Gods wisdom!
A client emailed me for a refill of esophagus drops. Her mom is in a care facility and they allow her to take homeopathic drops for a swallowing disorder. For some reason I was nudged to check in on her Life Force and % Health.
Denice: I only have 2 bottles of the esophagus drops, but I’ll send that and keep more on the shelf for the next order. Is everything OK with her? I just muscle tested to see how her Health and Life Force and her Life Force took a dip. It seems so did her Health %. Is she slipping? D.
My client: She’s slowing down noticeably physically and mentally. It’s heartbreaking to watch the gradual decline, even though she’s 97 y/o. I worry about her pacemaker battery replacement. From what I’ve read and heard and experienced from the last replacement, the anesthesia does a number on dementia patients. They lose a lot of brain function, which does not return. She can’t afford to lose much more. Pacemaker check next month. Appreciate your testing her. Sadly, the numbers confirm what I’ve been suspecting. Thanks, Betty
Healthy Recipes: Frittata Muffins
8 Eggs 1/2 cup Raw Milk or your favorite milk substitute 1 tea. Aluminum-Free Baking Powder 2 tea. Olive Oil Salt, Pepper or Hot Sauce to taste 1 cup Grated Cheese of your choice (I use half Feta to mix with the veggies and Colby Jack for the topping) 3 cups of your Favorite Frittata/Omelet fillings (I use zucchini, kale, tomatoes, bacon, onions)
Read More on Frittata Muffin recipe: https://naturalhealthtechniques.com/frittata-muffins/
Inspiration & Perspective: Prayer to God
Dear God: Enlighten what’s dark in me. Strengthen what’s weak in me. Mend what’s broken in me. Bind what’s bruised in me. Heal what’s sick in me, and lastly. . .revive whatever peace and love has died in me. Thank you God. Amen
What’s New at Our House?
The mad dash is on to get growing beds cleaned out for the winter. We took down a bunch of plants and are storing them in our hoop house and I heeled in about 100 seedling trees into our permaculture area down by the pond. If all goes well we’ll have another 35 hazelnut trees to plant next year.

Seedling in pots heeled into ditches in the pond garden area.
I spent a couple of days preparing grab and go meals like the above Frittata muffins to make our lives easier during the Black Friday Special months. I made three kinds of soup, chili, burritos and I also splurged and made cheesecakes with the copious amounts of cream and cottage cheeses I’ve been getting from our local raw milk dairy. I noticed there is still some Malabar spinach, chard, kale, carrots, edible chrysanthemum and a few edible weeds to harvest in the hoop house so hopefully we’ll be able to munch on a few good salads during the winter months.
We’ve had a few good days in general but one windstorm took electricity away from 30% of the people in Spokane, WA (2 hrs. north of us) for over 2 weeks! They had 97 crews working around the clock to get them back up and running.
I’ve been doing inventory, cleaning and organizing my office for the winter season and stuffing my herbal immune formula into capsules. Every year I sell about 20 packets of this formula and always make them when I’m in a happy mood. Usually I watch movies that I’ve seen before that inspires me to be a better healer so that this energy is imbued into the capsules. It’s a good ritual to pray and give thanks over your supplements. I think it makes them work better.
Have an awesome Thanksgiving and a wonderful holy season. We’ll talk at you again in 2016! Denice