NHT News. Vol. 8 No. 5 Nov. 2012

Think your milk is safe? Think again. Dairy Cattle are now being fed cookies, gummy worms, marshmallows, fruit loops, orange peels, even dried cranberries. Cattlemen are feeding virtually anything they can get their hands on that will replace the starchy sugar content traditionally delivered to the animals through corn since the price of corn has gone up quite a bit this year due to drought. Great, just what we need. . .more chemicals and dyes in our food. I was just appalled at this.

Nightshade Allersode

Nightshade Allersode (ANIGHT) Contains most of the common nightshades we eat in addition to a couple supportive agents: Ingredients: Adrenal 3x, 4x, ACTH 6x, 30x, Histaminum hydrochloricum 12x, Liver 6x, 12x, Chilis, Eggplant, Ground Cherries, Mustard Greens, Peppers (red/green), Tobacco, Tomato, Potatoes (red/white), Mushroom all at 6x, 12x, 60x, 100x (I have no idea why mushrooms are in this mix—are they a nightshade?)

Pulse Testing for Allergies

Pulse Testing for Allergies: . . .Now eat one food you suspect you are allergic to. When you eat a food your heart rate will go up a bit. Up to six beats above your estimated normal maximal is fairly normal if you are eating foods you are not allergic to. If your pulse rate has elevated more than 12 beats above the resting rate (or beats over 84 beats/minute) when you are pulse testing, you may assume that this food you just ate contained an allergen.

Thyroid Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Thyroid hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are serious diseases affecting much of the population. Iodine deficiency is the second major cause of hypothyroidism. The first cause of iodine deficiency is diet. So why not eat fortified table salt? Well, these kinds of salts are highly processed. All the natural minerals are extracted leaving only Sodium, Chloride and Iodine in inorganic form, which is not bioavailable. The body will use it if there is nothing else. The thyroid gland will store this iodine until it needs it, but it doesn’t use inorganic forms as efficiently and effectively as organic forms. To get around this problem, use Celtic Sea Salt, which comes from the ocean, is not refined, is gray, moist and is surrounded by organic “Mother Liquor”.