To Vaccinate or Not

How would you feel if you decided not to vaccinate your child and he/she came down with polio? I have several clients with Post Polio Syndrome, and let me tell you, their life is constant and unending pain. Granted, you may have a bank account large enough to overcome a case of Parvo in your puppy (if it survives,) but is it worth it for the puppy to have to go through that? Or Feline Leukemia in your cat? Vaccines are cheap and effective insurance for these deadly and debilitating diseases. Now let me give you some other options.


Insomnia – If your mind is racing, your muscles are tight, and the more you try to relax, the tenser you get, you have insomnia. There are two kinds of insomnia: difficulty falling asleep and difficulty staying asleep through the night. Some people experience both challenges. But that’s just one thing that can rob you of sleep. There’s more. . .

Muscle Testing

The uses of muscle testing are astounding and never ending. It is an awesome and powerful tool. My personal favorite of all the techniques I’ve learned. I believe learning how to muscle test can help us access our higher guidance and allow us to listen to our higher self through the guidance of Spirit.

What is a Normal Bowel Movement?

Normal bowel movements should be brown to light brown, formed but not hard or too soft, cylindrical but not flattened on any side, fairly bulky and full bodied but not compact, easy to pass, and it shouldn’t have an extremely foul smell. Bowel movements should be in one piece, about the size and shape of a banana being tapered at the end. Sometimes this will not be discernable if the feces breaks up in the toilet. Some people feel that if the body is absorbing all the minerals from the food that the stool will float. Others believe that the stool should sink. I think the important thing is that there are no air bubbles in the stool and that it doesn’t drop like a brick in the toilet. It should be somewhere in between.

What Causes Disease?

The body’s natural state is health, so what causes disease? Disease happens on a cellular level. All disease is ultimately a breakdown in function of the body’s cells. When this happens, it creates “fertile soil” for the dis-ease process.  This breakdown is accomplished by less than perfect eating habits, stress, stuffing emotions, eating too many cooked foods and too much sugar, salt, caffeine, drugs, vaccines, tension, depression, lack of proper sleep, lack of exercise, environmental contamination of the air/water/food and the retention of metabolic wastes (constipation, lack of sweating, blocked lymphatic channels). The only effective way to “cure” disease is to eliminate the causes.

What is a Rule Out

Say you go to a doctor because your ankle hurts. You took a pretty bad fall and twisted it. We’d make some basic assumptions from the clue of trauma and twisting motion to rule in sprain, strain, fracture (compound, compressed, or spiral), and periosteal bruising. These would be high on the rule out list. But let’s say we asked some more questions and found out that you were 80 years old, arthritic, haven’t taken care of yourself and cancer runs in your family.