2023 MasterMind for Healers
2023 Mastermind for Healers: Develop Your Healing Business Using Successful Business Models with LIVE Interactions from Seasoned Healers; Eliminate Competition by Attracting Clients That Love and Value What You Do. Here’s what we will be focusing on. . .
Sourdough Bread–No Knead Recipe
For this no-knead sourdough bread, cover the bowl of bread poolish/levain with plastic wrap and let it rest at room temperature overnight (8 to 12 hours) until it has approximately doubled in size. *I once slept in and left my poolish to rise for 13 hours, with no problems. *On cold winter nights, I set the bowl of poolish/levain to rise on a rack several feet from our wood burning stove.
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2023 MasterMind for Healers
2023 Mastermind for Healers: Develop Your Healing Business Using Successful Business Models with LIVE Interactions from Seasoned Healers; Eliminate Competition by Attracting Clients That Love and Value What You Do. Here’s what we will be focusing on. . .
Sourdough Bread–No Knead Recipe
For this no-knead sourdough bread, cover the bowl of bread poolish/levain with plastic wrap and let it rest at room temperature overnight (8 to 12 hours) until it has approximately doubled in size. *I once slept in and left my poolish to rise for 13 hours, with no problems. *On cold winter nights, I set the bowl of poolish/levain to rise on a rack several feet from our wood burning stove.
NHT News: Black Friday, RSV, PQQ, Life is Like a Ball of Yarn
In this issue: From the Desk of Dr. Moffat: Black Friday Postcard Reminders have been mailed! Pumpkin disaster! What’s New on the Website? Updating the broken links and images Case of the Month: Respiratory Syncitial Virus Product of the Month: PQQ Media Reviews:...
Raw Milk
Raw milk has been used and is still used by leading physicians in the treatment of tuberculosis, edema, heart failure, skin disease, acne, asthma, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, prostate disease, urinary tract infections, diabetes, kidney disease, chronic fatigue and obesity. In Germany today raw milk therapy is provided in many hospitals.
My own raw milk experience: I drink raw milk. Have for years. I was hesitant to try it at first because it was just a phlegm producer in my diet, but I wanted to support our neighbor’s small raw milk dairy. Boy, was I won over! From day one I noticed that my body did not create phlegm after drinking the milk.
Propagation of Yarrow is by division and cuttings but it also spreads via seed and roots and grows up to 3 feet tall. Prone to mildew in hot, dry conditions. The white flower version is the medicinal herb but there are many colors of ornamental yarrow which do not contain the medicinal chemicals in high enough volume to be used as a medicine. Yarrow is a beneficial insect attractant plant (ladybugs and parasitic wasps).
Quiche Recipe: Crack and beat the whole eggs with the Pesto. In another bowl, add all the other ingredients together. Mix. Drizzle the egg mixture on top of the other ingredients. Mix everything together. Dump them into the Pie Crust. Sprinkle the extra cheese on top. If you have any leftover veggies, you can grease a small oven-safe dish and put the extra into it and bake it along with the Quiche.

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