by Denice Moffat | Tithing
A page dedicated to connecting people to resources. Have at it and while you’re at it if you know of anyone who is a left handed gardener who wears gardening gloves I’d like to connect with them for a glove exchange. Thanks.
by Denice Moffat | Tithing
Do you know of other organizations that “teach people how to fish” instead of just asking for money over and over and coming up short every year?
by Denice Moffat | Tithing
Since 1944, Heifer International has provided food and income-producing animals and training to millions of resource-poor families in 115 countries.
by Denice Moffat | Tithing
Often in a practice such as mine people get to me after they have expended all of their resources, and naturopathy is not covered by many insurance companies. I do my best to accommodate these cases often by tithing my own services for the exam process and phone consultations, but sometimes these clients don’t even have money to purchase the supplements they need. If you would like to donate any amount for people with these special needs, I have a special envelope I set aside with these funds in it to use when I feel the need is crucial.
by Denice Moffat | Tithing
Every year the Avon Busy Bee club makes a quilt to raffle off to generate funds to maintain our 100 year old community center. Avon is a small off shoot of the town of Deary, Idaho. The Community Hall (also called the Rue church or the Bees Club house) is the oldest community building in Deary.
by Denice Moffat | Tithing
SUPER-NETWORKING ACCELERATES POTENTIAL (SNAP) EXERCISE. The Goal of the exercise: Making the world a better place to be now and for future generations by sharing our gifts. To tithe to the Universe your Time, Talent, Love, or Treasures.