
*Medical Intuitive Consults What I Do, How I Work

Medical Intuitive Consults: The body is like an onion in that it has a healthy core. We build layers of dis-ease on top of that healthy core until sometimes we can have as many 8 layers of disease. These people are REALLY sick. Most of us don’t have that many layers. The body innately knows how it wants to be healed. The trick is to listen to the body’s wisdom. When the body wants something fixed in a specific way, sometimes it will not let the body know the deeper or less important causes until the major—most important ones—are attended to first.

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Affirmation Building 101

Affirmation Building 101: Many people have mental blocks they aren’t aware of that keep them from the wonderful life they were born to live. These blocks more often tend to be unconscious. Such negative beliefs have a repulsive effect in regard to attracting what we are dreaming of. Oddly enough, people with such ideas are often the same ones who will tell you what positive thinkers they are. They’re nice people, however, their thinking is positively negative. . .and they aren’t even aware of it.

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Allergy Allersodes

I use low-dose homeopathic allergy allersode remedies in my practice because I can’t monitor my clients on a daily basis and most of my clients have only recently been introduced to homeopathics and natural medicine. It’s extremely rare that anyone has side-effects with using them. They are safer and you can use them for several months at a time if necessary.

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Anger and Forgiveness

Anger and Forgiveness: An elderly Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. . . He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me, it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf is evil—he is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego. The other is good –he is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too.” They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The Elder simply replied, “The one you feed.”

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Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils: How are Essential Oils used? Essential oils are added to lotions, used diluted in massage oil, used neat (straight–undiluted), put into bath water or foot baths, used as flavorings in the food industry, used in the cosmetic industry, put in hair rinses, used in inhalation therapy, incorporated in candles and used as drops of the pure oil put onto little pieces of felt which is then inserted into a small heater like thing (called a scent ball) you can plug into an outlet. The aroma that is emitted acts on the nervous system and organs of the body to move energy through it for various health and emotional concerns. I add a few drops of essential oil to a small spray bottle of distilled water and use is at a room freshener.

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Barne’s Basal Body Temperature Test

For the Barne’s Basal Body Temperature Test, take temperature at the same time every day before getting out of bed–even to urinate. For women still having their period, you will want to do the test starting the second day of mensus because the hormone progesterone, released during certain other times of your cycle, will increase your body temperature. For men and post menopausal women take it for 4 consecutive days.

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Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil packs are used on the skin to increase circulation and to promote elimination and healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin. They are also used to stimulate the liver, relieve pain, increase lymphatic circulation, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion. Learn how to use them and what other conditions they are used for and the contraindications of castor oil packs.

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Cell Salts

All cells contain cell salts. Each cell is made up of three classes of materials: water, organic materials which include sugars and fats, and inorganic matter (minerals). Even though water and organic matter make up a greater portion of living cells, inorganic matter is vitally important in many biochemical functions within the body. Actually, the creation of new cells depends on the presence of minerals. And mineral deficiencies inhibit the proper functioning of living cells.

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Chakra Balancing Using Color

Chakra Balancing Using Color: A chakra imbalance can influence how we feel, how our body responds, what diseases we encounter and how we react to challenges in our lives. The more balanced we are on all levels and planes of energy within our body, the easier life gets. Using muscle testing we can balance the chakras.

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Colon Hydrotherapy

What happens during a Colon Hydrotherapy session: As a patient lies comfortably on the treatment table, warm water is introduced into the colon. The temperature and pressure of this water is maintained and altered by the colon hydrotherapist to stimulate peristalsis of the colonic muscles. He also does some massages on the abdomen that aids in dislodging waste from the walls of the colon. The waste and water is then carried out of the body through a small outlet pipe attached to the speculum. The process takes about 30 minutes and the environment is very professional.

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CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle energy work using a 5-gram pressure (about the weight of a nickel). CranioSacral helps alleviate pain and discomfort by allowing bones to shift within the head and spinal column freeing restrictions caused from adhesions or scar tissue that sometimes binds organs or the dural tube. The dural tube consists of three meninges which are connective tissues surrounding the brain and spinal column.

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Cross Crawl Exercise

Cross Crawl is excellent for activating full mind /body function, especially for those with dyslexia, stroke, or other debilitating diseases needing lots of physical therapy in order to relearn daily functions.

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Developing Your Sixth Sense

Developing Your Sixth Sense with Stuart Wilde. Stuart is famous pearls interpretation: man walking with fishing rod over his shoulder. Walks under a bridge then various things happen in dream. Act out dream in mind’s eye – first as man as he walks, “I am the man in Harry’s dream.” I feel_____ (wait for the character in the dream to tell you how he feels. What does he symbolize” You go back to the character and ask him – what do you symbolize, or how do you feel? The man then goes on to say, “I am going to the river because______(deep from subconscious mind comes the answer. “Because I want to discover myself” Because I hear the river is full of abundance, and I need abundance in my life” whatever the character answers will teach you things about yourself, so you wait for this answer.

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DMTEC: The body will only release what it is ready to. Sometimes we do this process at a different time than the exam and for specific emotional challenges that may be holding you back from living the best life possible.

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Do You Want To Live?

Tips for the Do You Want to Live Exercise: Men resist this exercise and often feel anger and resistance in doing it. When queried, “Did you do the exercise?” many of them will not have completed the process at home. Women often can’t get through the sentence the six times it takes to do the exercise. They start to cry (and they act so surprised that tears are coming out.)

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Dowsing Rods and Pendulums

I have a set of homemade dowsing rods I use occasionally made from two steel rods. The handles are encased in two short copper tubes so the rods have free movement when I hold them in my hands. Directions to make these kinds of dowsing rods can be found on the internet and they work just great. Our well was found by a dowser. Good dowsers can tell you where you should dig, how deep and how many gallons per minute will come of it.

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Dry Brushing Technique

Dry brushing cleans the lymphatic system. Lymph is considered part of our immune system and is made of white blood cells called lymphocytes and the interstitial fluid that bathe our cells, bringing our cells nutrients and removing their waste. All detoxification occurs first and foremost through the lymph. Our bodies contain far more lymph than blood, so you can see how important this might be. Paavo Airola maintains that dry brushing is an essential part of any intestinal cleansing and healing program.

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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

What is EFT? Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of energy psychology. Its creator, Gary Craig, distilled EFT from the discipline of Thought Field Therapy, developed by psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan. EFT employs fast and effective techniques that combine the principles of acupressure with that of modern counseling to free up and release emotional trauma and physical and emotional pain.

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Emotional Rototilling

Reiki-Massage is an excellent way to get the anger out of your system which builds up as knots in muscles, spasms and irritated trigger points. A friend of mine used to call it Emotional Rototilling because as he was working people would bring up emotions having to do with specific issues depending on where he was massaging.

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All about enemas (gee, just what you wanted to learn) How to Take an Enema, What Diseases Are Enemas Good For? What Is A Normal Bowel Movement? Healthy Bowel Habits. Natural Laxatives. Intestinal Bacteria Replacement. Tips for a More Effective Enema. Equipment Needed. Enema Preparations. The Coffee Enema. Contraindications for Enemas and Colonics. Your Questions Answered.

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Energy Vortex Clearing Technique

Sometimes there are negative energies associated with vortexes. For the Energy Vortex Clearing Technique, we have clues this may be the case when our client’s say things like, “I can’t sleep in that bedroom,” or “I never did feel comfortable in that house.” Disease is sometimes associated with negative energy vortexes. Negative, non-life supporting vortexes can be responsible for feeling chronically drained, depressed or nervous when in particular areas.

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Face Reading (Personology)

The art of face reading, coupled with the science of Personology, provides a wonderful and powerful tool to create understanding and openness. It is a gift that enables you, the subject, to deepen your understanding of yourself and how you relate to others.

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Fasting with Water

When fasting with water, you must be mentally and emotionally prepared to do a 5-day, water only fast. Use the buddy system or be in daily contact with an experienced faster. And just a suggestion? Don’t tell anyone you’re going to do the fast except the person who has already experienced one. It is amazing how many people try to sabotage your project “for your protection”.

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Fasting–Juice Fasting

Juice Fasting. .Why juice and not just eat raw foods instead? Although fiber is important for a healthy diet and a clean colon, during fasting, fiber slows down the healing process and does not allow the digestive system to sleep. Whole vegetables and fruits contain insoluble fiber which stimulates the intestines to move. If you eat five pounds of raw carrots rather than drink the juice, your body will have to do the work of extracting nutrients and moving the fiber by peristalsis.

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Fat and Toxin Metabolization Activation Technique

I started doing the Fat and Toxin Metabolization technique on my clients. Right off, I had several Mormon clients come in over a period of six weeks. Many of them would come up with programs having to do with heavy metals. I started to ask more questions. As it turned out, all of them had come from around Provo Utah. Mrs. Mills finally came up with the answer for me. There was a film producing plant in the area. The clients were getting exposure to heavy metals via air pollution. (I determined that Carob Powder does a great job at getting rid of heavy metals in the body.)

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Fingernail Analysis

Fingernail Analysis: A good practitioner of this art can look at a patient’s nails, tongue, eyes, skin and even (if they are really good) shoe wear and the pattern of moles and freckles and be able to tell which organs are weak and which are healthy.  Since the nails are the last to receive oxygen because they are the farthest from the heart, they are often the first to show signs of disease processes.

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Glandulars, Protomorphogens and Cytosol Extracts

Glandulars are whole organs that are dried at low temperatures and ground up then put into capsules. They are given for general support of various organs. Protomorphogens however are like homeopathics. They promote healing over time. Protomorph products are composed of nuclear proteins and used to supply a better RNA/DNA template so that the body can assemble available nutrients to repair damaged tissue in the glands being treated. What differentiates protomorphogens from glandulars from cytosol extracts is the patented extraction process. Most people respond to glandulars with fewer side effects. It’s hard to build an allergy to Protomorphogens.

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Healing with Crystals

Healing with crystals: Attracted to Tiger’s Eye? Tiger’s eye is very grounding and balancing. It stimulates confidence, will power, clear thinking and speaking. It works on the mental plane and amplifies thinking and manifestation of whatever you think about. It helps you separate thoughts from feelings. Great for digestion, stomach, anxiety, ulcers, bones. Helps change anxiety, fear and obsessiveness into practicality and logic.

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Holographic Organs

Holographic Organs . . . Then ask, “How far out of the body is the organ displaced?” For this you must test inch by inch until your fingers come apart starting with touching the body over the displaced organ then moving away from the body as you muscle test. It will usually be from 1-6 feet out of the body. I’ve noticed most organ displacements are situated in front of the body so the patient/client usually lies on their back.

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Homeopathic Use

Homeopathic Use: One case I recall where a woman proved the homeopathic was when she was taking some Herpes drops every day (for prevention). She came down with a whopping case of herpes symptoms then wondered where she had gone wrong. I wondered why she was ordering so much remedy (and this is why I only dispense to people after establishing a client-patient relationship) but she kind of tricked me. She said she had lost a bottle then she wanted another bottle to keep at work and I didn’t realize she was taking it when it wasn’t necessary.

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Hot-Cold Alternating Soaks

Hot-Cold Alternating Soaks: The most effective technique that I know of for sinus, tooth and eye problems is the hot/cold soak. This one is an easy, effective, cheap treatment that you can do at home. It helps for allergies, bacterial, fungal or viral infections, abscesses, ear infections and anything else associated with the head where many prescription drugs fail to penetrate quickly.

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How to Make a Decoction

How to make a decoction: A decoction is a method of extraction of herbal or plant material by dipping, mashing, soaking, steeping or boiling in water leaves, flowers, stems, roots, bark and rhizomes. Tea would be considered a decoction.

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How to Make a Poultice

A poultice is a soft, moist mass about the consistency of cooked cereal, spread between layers of muslin, linen, gauze, or towels and applied hot to a given area in order to create moist local heat or counter-irritation.

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How to Make an Infusion

An infusion is a method of preparing herbs in which 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb or 2 to 4 fresh herbs (flowers and berries are substitutable) is “infused” or placed in oil or water (which does not need to be boiled), and then, after about ten minutes, is strained and ingested.

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How to Make Oil Infusions

Making oil infusions is a very simple process. Use high-quality organic herbs and a good quality oil like olive oil. It’s like making a tea with oil, instead of water only you usually make it in a sealable jar and turn the jar upside down every day often for 30 days.

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Hydrogen Peroxide Uses

Hydrogen peroxide uses: If there is blood on clothing, pour directly on the soiled spot. Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and rinse with cold water. Wash as usual and the blood spot will not be there when you’re done. Repeat if necessary. I keep a spray bottle of it by my surgery table to spray the surgical incisions and the laundry that we want to keep looking white.

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I Love Me Exercise

For the “I Love Me” exercise, look into the mirror on a daily basis and say to yourself, “I love you. What can I do to make YOU happy today?” Then DO what that little voice says.

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Intravenous Chelation Therapy

The best treatment by far for lead and heavy metal poisoning is intravenous chelation with calcium EDTA. Many clinics around the United States perform this service. It is sometimes covered by insurance.

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Iodine Patch Test

The Iodine Patch Test: This is another test you can do at home to test whether or not you are low in iodine, which leads to hypothyroidism. Step 1: Go to the pharmacy and purchase Tincture of Iodine–the original, orange-colored solution, not the clear solution. . .

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Karmic Debt Release

Karmic Debt Release with Becky Rousseau: Visualize yourself going into the Hall of Records. One visualization could be, you walking up huge steps with pillars on either side, at the top you go into a huge hall, with bookshelves on both sides stacked with Books of Life of everyone who has ever lived on planet earth. These books contain the life stories of every person’s life that has ever lived, with every thought that has ever been thought and everything that has ever been done. There is a desk at the back of the room and the Divine Keeper of the Akashic Records sits there to be of assistance to you. You approach. . .

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Kidney Flush Technique

Kidney Flush Technique: I had a client one time who was about 40 pounds overweight. She resisted eating the raw fruits and vegetables as a means to get back at her parents.

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Liver Gallbladder Flush

The Liver Gallbladder Flush technique is really fairly safe, it’s just that if a stone is too large to pass and it gets trapped in the common bile duct so that bile cannot get out of the gall bladder, you can be in serious trouble and need some medical care in the form of pain killers and possibly ultrasonic equipment to break the stone up (called lithotripsy.)  If the bile ducts remain blocked for a significant period of time, severe—possibly fatal—damage or infections affecting the gallbladder, liver, or pancreas can occur. Warning signs of a serious problem are chills, fever, clay-colored stools, jaundice (this is when you turn yellow—it will show up in the whites of your eyes,) and persistent pain.

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Meditating with Spikenard Oil

There was an experiment about Meditating with Spikenard Essential Oil on the James Twyman site, that I thought sounded interesting, so I ordered a couple bottles to use during my meditations. The directions said to put a drop on your third eye (the spot between your eyes directly between your eyebrows) just before meditating, so I did.

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Meditation Techniques

Meditation Techniques . . .several ways to accomplish it: All you need is a clock, at least a semi-quiet place. Now breathe in. As you breathe in chant…

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Melt a Cloud Technique

Melt a Cloud Technique: Have you ever melted a cloud? I read about this technique from a Ruth Montgomery book (I think it was Strangers Among Us) and practiced it from a hotel room window and was SO awed to find that it had worked. I then shared it with my friends and family (it really freaked them out because it worked for them too.)

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Metaphors: Jim’s favorite phrase on Saturday mornings was, “Come on. Let’s go eat our triple bypass breakfast.” After his triple bypass, he doesn’t say that anymore. Self-fulfilling prophesies? You bet.

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Metaphors Causing Physical Disease

Metaphors Causing Physical Disease. . .Question: I’ve recently heard that we create certain health problems with what we say and think, is this really true? Can you give me some examples? Answer: It is absolutely true. Where the concentration goes, the energy flows. If you think more negative thoughts about what is happening to you and your body than positive ones, the negative ones win! For example, I had a client who once used the metaphor, “Let’s go eat our Saturday triple-bypass breakfast.” That is exactly what he manifested within a year.

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Mucous Method for Fertility

The Mucous Method for Fertility Detection: Infertile mucous is described as sparse, thick, flaky, crumbly, dense, opaque, pasty and tacky. It is unchanging in amount. It does not string when you separate your finger and thumb. The mucous increases and decreases as estrogen levels rise and fall. After ovulation, the luteal phase, where the ovary produces more progesterone, lasts 12-16 days. During this time the mucous reverts to the sparse, thick, tacky consistency. Sperm cannot survive in this mucous.

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Muscle Testing

The uses of muscle testing are astounding and never ending. It is an awesome and powerful tool. My personal favorite of all the techniques I’ve learned. I believe learning how to muscle test can help us access our higher guidance and allow us to listen to our higher self through the guidance of Spirit.

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Music as Medicine

Music as Medicine: In my practice I sometimes use a drum to find the blockages of energy in the body. As you hold the open side of the drum toward the body and beat on the top surface you will hear rebound—except where the energy is blocked. When energy is blocked, there will be a dull thump instead of a rebound. When I find an area like this, I beat the drum into that area until it opens up.

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My Favorite Treatments:

My favorite treatments. Acid Reflux: This one is most always easy. Most all of my clients have resolved this with eating for your blood type. It is a dietary issue. I recommend the book Eat Right 4 Your Type by Peter D’Adamo. Helpful supplements include Betaine HCl, Papaya Enzymes, Zypan, Multizyme, not drinking large amounts of fluids with the meal, increasing raw fruits and vegetables, and some aspects of food combining.

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Neti Pots

My clients who use a Neti Pot absolutely swear by it for chronic sinus troubles. It really sounds gross putting saline water up your nose, but here’s a great video on YouTube that shows you how to do it.

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Opening a Coning

Opening a coning: Conings are for general health balance, regular health issues, extra ordinary health issues, and assistance during expansion experiences. A coning is a vortex of energy that includes nature intelligence’s, the medical team and yourself. Within the coning, nature is able to stabilize on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

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Oxycise is the name of a series of instructional videos, DVDs, books, and audio tapes that combines breathing and tensing techniques packaged and is packaged as an exercise program.

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Prayer of Protection

After consulting with more than a few healers on this topic of protection and then reading a series of books on the topic of entities, earthbounds and spirit releasement, I ended up working with some very gifted people and came up with this Prayer of Protection that seems to work well for us and for my clients.

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Who should use a psychomanteum? Anyone with unresolved feelings about the death of a loved one is a good candidate for the psychomanteum. The process takes about three hours. A trained facilitator asks the participant to describe the person who died, their relationship with them and when, where and how they died. They are asked, “If you could speak to them, what would you like to say? If you could hear them, what would you like to hear?” Participants then sit alone in a dark curtained booth about the size of a large closet, with a mirror at one end (tilted so the participants do not see their own reflection) in a big, comfy recliner in the center. They sit (or recline) there for forty-five minutes thinking about their deceased loved one. Some will see visual images, streams of light, or may feel touches or other bodily sensations. About 64-65% of participants feel they’ve connected with the person who has died.

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Pulse Testing for Allergies

Pulse Testing for Allergies: . . .Now eat one food you suspect you are allergic to. When you eat a food your heart rate will go up a bit. Up to six beats above your estimated normal maximal is fairly normal if you are eating foods you are not allergic to. If your pulse rate has elevated more than 12 beats above the resting rate (or beats over 84 beats/minute) when you are pulse testing, you may assume that this food you just ate contained an allergen.

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As you study this reflexology healing modality you will see that some of the charts don’t match up perfectly to each other, but this doesn’t matter. What matters is that you pay attention to the tender points of the feet and massage them gently and consistently until those tender points go away. Many practitioners use talk or non-greasy cream to rub onto the feet during a treatment, but I use a light massage oil–especially if the feet are dry.

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Although spiritual in nature, Reiki is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. Reiki comes from God, but will work whether you believe in it or not. Its use is not dependent on ones intellectual capacity or spiritual development, and thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds have been attuned to Reiki. Intention increases its effectiveness, but it can never be done incorrectly.

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Silva Intuition Method

The Silva Intuition Method Training was designed to help you not just achieve what you want, but to achieve what is right for you, individually and uniquely. It has been used successfully for these 37 life challenges. . .

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Silva Method Case Examples

Silva method case studies: I now know what neurological disease feels like (wavy energy in my hands as I envision scanning down the energy field of the body); I can tell when a person has just taken their pain medication (this is kind of trippy!); I can visualize where a spine is out and what it looks like (and put it back into place often); I can feel brain fog in a client with memory problems, but mostly I enjoy being able to visualize what part of the body draws my attention and letting Spirit guide me to use whatever is in the imagination to get that energy shifted. This all takes practice, so those of you out there just starting your path into energy healing, please know that I started out with just a desire to do this kind of work and just kept at it

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Sweating, Saunas and Hydrotherapy

Sweating, saunas and hydrotherapy: Using a sweat lodge, sauna, or steam bath is another technique in getting the skin to rejuvenate and open its pores. It would be nice to have all these things available to you when you are sick, but the facts are that you have to use what is in your environment that is available to you. These modalities are becoming more common and I’ve seen mobile units spring up these last few years that will actually come to your house for you. Try them. . .you’ll like them!

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The Dog Food Diet

The Dog Food Diet: I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry and that the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story.)

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Thymus Thumping

Dr. Denice Moffat demonstrates the Thymus Thumping technique which positively stimulates the immune system.

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Thyroid Hot Pack Technique

The thyroid hot pack technique. This is a technique any hypothyroid person can do at home. They don’t need this special pack (but it’s really nice.)

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Urinary Incontinence Technique

Urinary incontinence technique: I show this technique to the people (usually women) who have leaky bladders and urinary incontinence. Often it helps quite a bit in alleviating the problem to some extent. It’s better to know how to muscle test, but you can also do this technique by following the step by step process below:

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Urine Therapy

Urine Therapy: John’s introduction to drinking his own urine was when he became so ill that several doctors no longer felt it useful to treat him. He had what they called in those days, consumption. Well, when you don’t have the energy to do anything you have a lot of time to think. Being a religious sort of fellow it came to him while reading Proverbs V that “Drink waters of thine own cistern” meant that we should drink our own urine to be in optimal health. So he spent the next 45 days doing just that.

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Visceral Manipulation

A visceral manipulator uses rhythmic motions on the outside of the body to release scars, stagnation, tissue stickiness and other soft tissue disruptions from underlying subcutaneous tissues. Manual visceral manipulations can gently assist the inside tissues to stretch and pop away from the other internal organs they are attached to. Like cranio-sacral work, practitioners are taught that the delicate and often highly reactive nature of the visceral tissues need only gentle force in just the right places to obtain greatest results. The practitioner of this art is trained to feel subtle differences in heat given off in the affected areas and can feel abnormalities of the body pulses and movements of the internal organs. Structural imbalances of the muscles, skeleton, vessels, nerves, lymph and internal organs are assisted and manipulated by gently applying pressure to certain areas of the body which increases the communication between organs. Too much pressure can cause further injury and disruption. The manipulations allow body parts that are not working appropriately to move back into correct movement . . .

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Zypan Test

Zypan, a supplement made by Standard Process labs, contains betaine hydrochloride, pepsin, and pancreatic enzymes. There are many ways to use Zypan. I feel that utilizing muscle testing is the best way to see if this product is the best one for you and for figuring out an exact dose for your needs. With that said, the suggested online protocol for the Zypan Test is to take. .

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Read the "What I do and How I Work" handout

Step 2

Read my Bio

Step 3

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  • Age
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  • Blood Type (if available)
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